We will publish the truth. Feel free to visit the blog and leave your comments. You may also submit posts through the blog or our blog email address Mike@GoldmandSachs666.com The website has only been up about a week, and there is not much on there yet, but I invite everyone to submit articles and posts to the website relevant to Goldman Sachs. All posts will be reviewed, but unless they are clearly false or malicious, we will post them.
Needless to say, we will most likely fight this one in court with Goldman Sachs and now we will expedite adding relevant content to this website. We have followed all of the legal requirements to own and maintain the website under the address we have selected. If you have any media contact you want to forward this to, be my guest. It's just another example of how a bully like Goldman Sachs tries to throw their weight around and this is a clear violation of our Constitutional Rights.

Further proof that 'we are being watched'
interesting....If they are listening and watching they sure as heck don't care what we think or that we know their evil plots!
you should just go ahead and change the name of the site to goldmansuks666.com
I agree with above Anonymous. I love the idea of "goldmansuks," and there is nothing they can do about it.
"Very truly yours,"
WTF is that supposed to mean? Maybe it's foreplay before he violates you ;-P
the 14k scrotum Gold Man Sach
AIG is nothing compared to Goldman Sachs's thievery.
Hang in there and keep up the good fight. These Goldman Sachs bastards and their ilk are incorregible and out of control.
As more and more people awaken to the intricate details of what's going on behind the scenes with these bailouts of the very same people who provoked the problem in the first place I sense the OUTRAGE slowly building up to eruption.
The mere fact that they've threatened you proves you're on the right track and they've noticed.
Hope your website helps tear them a new one.
It is so shocking to observe none of the institutions or individuals from Wall Street is investigated or prosecuted for the monumental fraud that they committed on our nation and indeed on most of the world. In fact, they are still being rewarded with tax payer money. Shows how the political patronage works.
I am surprised they are complaining about trademark violation of "goldmansachs". I would have expected them to have actually objected to your use of "666", which as we all know is the mark of the same people!!!
Financial terrorism at best. Treason against the people of the United States deserves severe punishment.
How about goldmangangsters666.com?
What a bunch of a-holes!!!!!
fodder for your response letter:
Where hate site owners use a company's mark solely to criticize a company, the owner will usually defeat traditional trademark infringement and FTDA claims.Such use is considered noncommercial and is protected free speech under the First Amendment.The view is that "trademark law cannot be used to suppress criticism of a company or products…on the
Internet." (4)
Keep up the good work, Mike.
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." - Thomas Jefferson
I'm glad to see you're taking on this challenge Mike. I've have enjoyed listening to your conference calls for almost a year now and I hope this website becomes a valuable resource in chronicling the despicable behavior of GS.
In China, all of those pricks would be EXECUTED.
Please fight them, fight them for the rest of us. Their efforts to silence those who would illuminate the unseemly and unethical actions in which they find comfort indicate we are looking at the right place.
One can only hope that the people eventually rise up and stand together against this oppression and subjugation, and companies such as this fail under the scrutiny of true justice
Change it to GolmanSUCKS666....
Look into Drudge Retort name as a counter to Drudge Report.com. The liberal Drudge Retort disparages Drudge and gets away with it.
Otherwise, GoldmanSuks sounds pretty good to me.
As much as you think this is a conspirarcy of sorts, being an IT guy, this is S.O.P. from any large corporation. Any domain that comes close to their website name, they try to reserve or stop others. I remember being told to reserve 100's of domains that came close to "real" name. This is a form letter and I doubt it will go anywhere after this. Of course "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't watching you".
I hope you know that Goldman Sachs doesn't give a crap about your site. If you'd made a site called goldmansachsisgreat.com you would've gotten the same letter. Companies outsource copyright protection web trolling all the time. My wife got dinged with a form letter like you got for posting a song she sang on YouTube.
I think you have nothing to worry about. They just want to scare you. In their own letter, the attorney states "[GS] is the owner of a family of [GS] trademarks for use in connection with financial services" Are you offering financial services or in any way profiting from their name. No. I think they have nothing.
OMG, from Chadbourne and Parke. That's all Goldman can muster? Both those guys finished well below me in law school and I was a 50th percentile graduate.
I'm trying to remember if either of them even passed Torts. They most certainly didn't understand the class.
I like goldman-sucks.com :)
ml-implode-o-meter is having challenges too - however, I think they will win on appeal.
If the author of the letter to you had any sense of propriety, he would sign off in the fashion "Very truly yours" commands. It should always be proceeded by a conclusive statement of action such as . . . "In my continuing efforts to frighten and intimidate you, and along the way trample over your rights of free speech, I remain" the comes the "Very truly yours."
Just change the domain name and you should be fine. There is nothing illegal with using their name in blog posts.
the people versus goldman sachs.
Be careful. Mark Mitchell has written a 3 part exposé of the dangers:
Does this remnd anyone of the Wizard of Oz? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!! Pay attention to what I "want you to believe"... They ttake I'd all for fools.
You have correctly used the Goldman Sachs trademark to identify the company's goods and services. You are not incorrectly implying that you are Goldman Sachs or offering goods and services as if you are Goldman Sachs, or attempting to profit from Goldman Sachs' reputation. You can safely tell them to go to hell, at least as far as trade marks are concerned. If they take you to court just turn up with your site and defend yourself you don't even need to waste money on lawyers.
here's another name that could be used that I'm quite fond of:
Another way to beat them is for a large number of people to start Goldman Sachs information websites like this one. Strength in numbers. They can't shut everyone down.
You have hit the jackpot!
GS has already brought down more bad PR on themselves by making this an issue (the "Streisand effect"). The outcome here can only get worse for them.
An interesting follow up to this thread might be a chart of the number of hits your blog got before and after their ill-conceived threat.
With this increased traffic I think you can expect to get a lot more good expose`s.
Hey guys,
How would you like to call for a few million people to short sell goldman?
Is there a way that we can come together and nuke them in their own territory: the marketplace?
Man: we could even buy them and sack them!
I just saw the piece in The Telegraph here in the UK. You have at least one supporter on this side of the pond! Goldmansucks666 has a certain ring to it, as mentioned.
Without yours and mine taxpayers dollars and pounds these clowns wouldn't even exist, so tell them to get on their knees and give thanks for their jobs. Merchant Bankers the lot of them!
Talk about the 'Streisand effect'. just came over for a visit, [got any coffee!] from a UK, Daily Telegraph news article.....
Are not these people run by the Mafia.
As are 'our' Mr MORGAN 's namesake.....
As for Chadbourne and Park. who's up for a Chadbourne and Park666.com website!!.....
See what other lawyers meddle with 'Natural Justice' then.....
They will spend thousands to try to thwart your efforts while adding millions in PR value to your cause. If I was you I would send them a big thank you!!!!!
In 1908, the year after a national money panic purportedly created by J. P. Morgan, Congress established, in 1908, a National Monetary Authority. In 1910 another, more secretive, group was formed consisting of the chiefs of major corporations and banks in this country. Its coming up On their 100 year anniversary.Citizens of the usa need to piss on their parade lets crash the party!
>Are not these people run by the Mafia.<
That is a vile slander of Italians and Sicilians. Goldman Sachs is not rooted in the Italian community. You have the wrong ethnic/racial/religious group.
But you're getting warmer...
Goldman Sachs v The Internet
Don't they know who is bigger? Boy! Have they dug a hole for themselves with this one.
I don't see a "trade name" infringement in this site, only that as a reference point to comments of how the company operates.
See this read on "trade names"...
Get them Mike! Goldman Sachs = EVIL!
Please also publish the numeric IP address of your blog just in case GoDaddy cooperates.
Soak 'em, Mike! Goldman Sachs is a cancer on America.
Legal counsel: "Goldman, Sachs & Co. is the owner of a family of Goldman Sachs trademarks for use in connection with financial services, including its famous house mark GOLDMAN SACHS, U.S. Registered Trademark No. 1975880."
You are not violating their trademark rights. You are not using their registered trademark "GOLDMAN SACHS" on your web site as you are not using their "family of Goldman Sachs trademarks" (Where are the Registered Trademark Numbers for these?) in connection with financial services.
Make sure you post on your web site, that you are using their trademarked names in connection with your opinion and that you are giving them all their rights - "All Rights Reserved to ....list their names you use.... in your rants."
They are just harassing you, if they file the suit, it is only to destroy your finances with malicious and frivolous law-sue, so you have to spend money on defence.
We speak about Microsoft, Frito-Lay, Enron, WorldCom, Wall-mart, Cisco, Bank of America, and others ...... all these are Registered Trademarks. Free discussion will be limited, I say impossible, if we would not able to use their names in our free speech.
Just write them letter, stating they are in error because you are not using GOLDMAN SACHS Trade Mark and that you are naming their business on your site in unpopular free speech, which is your natural right granted to you by your creator.
Send copy to W. Hanchuk; GoDaddy, INC.
Awesome work Mike! The people are beginning to wake up with the help of sites like these and minds like your who are outraged at the current state of things. They think we are complete chumps, they think we are idiots, and they have been correct in the past. Let us change that. KNOW YOUR ENEMY.
I think Goldman Sucks should be outsourced to China where they can face the firing squad. Good riddance to these lying Sachs of $hit!
"If all goes well, and we accumulate enough information, I want to write a book . . . How Goldman Sachs Destroyed the World."
I would hope that in the end, your book will read: "How the world rose up and destroyed Goldman Sachs"
Mike, Stand your ground. Thousands of us in North Florida have your back man.You could be the spark we need to get on with business. TP.
If Goldman Sachs has a problem with whatever, they should have gone out and bought every url(goldmansachsxxxxxxx)and every combination thereof to get ahead of Mike M. Lord knows they have enough taxpayer money and other ill gotten gains to do so. Go get em Mike. GS is a threat to our national security.
If I were Mike I would fire off a form letter to GS first thing Monday morning, to cease and desist in their actions and anything else I could think of. Give them a deadline of April 17TH to respond or else without further notice bal bla bla.
Goldman is a PARASITE on the working people of this country.
Goldman Sachs sues because they fear you and any that would stand up and tell the truth, as well they should. Stay strong, fight the good fight, and maybe you and others like you can wake the rest of us from our deep sleep. It's time for everyone to make the realization that these companies are out to profit not by giving us something we need in return for money, but to profit simply by taking our money and manipulating it in such a way as to get more of our money with it. Thank You, Sir You are not un-noticed or un-appreciated.
Mike DO NOT let these fat cats get away with this. FIGHT them to the bloody end. If they can't handle the truth about themselves, well then THEY should be shut down ---not you. YOU ARE MUCH BETTER THAN THEY ARE!! Freedom of speech baby!! Take it to the wall.
Legally, the copyrighted name is in all caps. I would continue to go with Goldman Sachs and ask the lawyers if Goldman Sachs BY LAW is equivalent to GOLDMAN SACHS.
I assure you, it is not.
US TM 1975880, you can use it for your purposes.
The problem now is with ICANN UDRP, under which a trademarked name, (i) [...] identical or confusingly similar, [...] to the complainant, (ii) you have no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name, and
(iii) your domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith,
they may transfer the domain to the Goldman Sachs.
Good luck Mike although as I understand it if you are not in competition or making any money through the blog then they don't have a leg to stand on. There are precedents at the link already posted above:
Go get 'em!
One piece of advice: get your domain _off_ GoDaddy as soon as possible. GoDaddy will shut down a customer's domain without notice. Pick a registrar that's willing to stand up to legal threats -- more info at nodaddy.com .
GoldmanSucks still the best representation
I am very concerned about your neck being on the line. All well and good for readers to cheer you on, but they aren't the ones who are in the crosshairs.
This is a gray area at best. Are you sure you want to divert your energy into what could potentially be an exhausting battle over a trademark and a domain name?
Even if your facts are 100% correct (and I would not expect otherwise) this could STILL be a legal tar pit. Even if you have the financial resources to fight back, I'd hate to see your time sucked up into this legal black hole.
Goldman Sachs == 666
I am no lawyer, but from what I can see you arnt using goldmansachs your using goldmansachs666 which is a totally different name, and doesn't imply anything. thats like trying to tell Stuart to stop using the name Stewart because it imply s the same name, and hence could mean that Stewart is representing Stuart, and therefore misleading the people who deal with Stuart.
They have no precedence, and don't have a leg to stand on. you have a disclaimer stating you are not involved with nor do you represent the views expressed by Goldmansachs if it does go to court counter sue them.
I wonder if Florida has anti SLAPP statutes? If so, you may end up with a chunk of Goldman.
Unfortunately the wealthy politicians in USA (that's virtually all of them) are clients of Goldman Sachs. So I guess Goldman can run whatever market manipulations they want. We all saw what they did to the oil price and commodity markets in general last summer.
Mike, I am proud of you, and I will be praying for your success in this.
Mike: I think you may want to consider filing a declaratory Judgment Action in FL against these guys asking the Court to find that there is no trademark infringement.
Martin Jerisat
I feel compelled to point out that the nominative fair use doctrine would allow incorporating the trademarked "Goldman Sachs" name in the title of a book about Goldman Sachs.
See New Kids on the Block v. News America Publishing, Inc., 971 F.2d 302 (9th Cir. 1992). More recently, Century 21 Real Estate v. Lendingtree, Inc., No. 03-4700 (3d Circuit Oct. 11, 2005).
SEC Commissioner testimony from last month is below. There are some very interesting investigations going on. The US Attorney's Office is involved -- they can put people in jail -- unlike the toothless SEC ... so white collar types may flip, and this could actually go somewhere. Goldman has exposure here.
Whatever you may think of short selling in the abstract, financials are a special case. Rumor mongering can lead to runs, even when not deserved. In 2008, there were allegations of this around Bear Stearns. This was later repeated with Lehman and others.
In 2008, it was relatively easy to manipulate prices for CDSs -- to make it look like a particular company had increasing credit default risk. If you had shorted the stock, you made money as everyone fled for the exits.
This went on a lot in 2008. Only question is how intentional it was. Did the market do it, or were particular firms spreading rumors with a plan. Many fingers pointed to Goldman while this was happening -- Goldman may just have been executing orders -- but Schwartz and Fuld were blaming Goldman while it was happening.
If it was intentionally done by the likes of Goldman, what should be their punishment?
In any event, the big firm i-bank model got broken. Goldman shouldn't be a pirate ship hedge fund and a bank holding company at the same time. Paulson spent a ton of US money to save the likes of Goldman -- he may have thought he had to -- but his motives can be questioned and should. Between Goldman alumni and the Chicago Democratic mob, God save us.
Commissioner Elisse B. Walter testimony follows. Note that the SEC didn't want to go public at all, but had to tell Congress something. When these investigations end, they'll either be a fizzle or a bombshell.
"Among other rumors investigations, SEC also opened a group of related investigations into the possible manipulation of the securities of six large financial issuers involved in the recent market turbulence (collectively, the "21(a) investigation"). On September 19, 2008, the Commission approved a relatively uncommon order under Section 21(a) of the Exchange Act that required numerous hedge funds, broker-dealers and institutional investors to file statements under oath regarding trading and market activity in the securities of financial firms. The order covers not only equities but also CDSs and other derivative instruments.
In October 2008, the Enforcement Division formed a nationwide Rumors and Market Manipulation Working Group to analyze data obtained through the 21(a) Order, with particular focus on claims that CDSs were being used to manipulate equities prices. The SEC's 21(a) investigation has been split into six separate investigations, which are proceeding as expeditiously as possible. The SEC's Rumors and Market Manipulation Working Group is also coordinating its investigation with parallel investigations being conducted by FINRA and the NYSE regarding the conduct of their member firms and marketplaces, as well as with another parallel investigation being conducted jointly by the New York Attorney General's Office and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York."
I love that their litigation has actually created your website go viral. I found it on The HuffPo. I always thought that they were a pretty good company....my eyes have been opened. No longer can companies hide their dishonesty. There is now a fail proof safeguard called the internet.
Mike, great site. Thanks for the work you do here! It's somewhat ironic that Goldman Sachs efforts to silence you are spreading the word of the good work that you are doing.
I've gotten the word out on Slope of Hope.
Here's a Great site to help your cause Mike. http://behind-the-matrix.blogspot.com/
Mike, this is a great site for your information.
In China, all of US would be executed. As Goldman Sachs would be part of the ruling class. Don't be fools. It is important to keep our form of government from going socialist or communist. Goldman and their ilk would like nothing more than to see government merged with their interests. Instead of government fascism, they want corporate fascism. The difference isn't much, but the results will be the same.
You should blot out your home address in the letter, dude.
If Sachs didn't sue I probably wouldn't have heard about this site. I know one thing I would have never connect Goldman Sach to goldmanscahs666 - heh besides being greedy power mongers are they stupid? or was this their attempt at intimidation? My guess is the latter. Too bad they have created such a bad reputation for themselves in the main stream media. Don't need this site to point out their questionable behavior and their current PR disaster.
Someone has to watch these guys the US Congress and Justice Department do not seem to be doing their job.
Time to dismantle the revolving door between NYC to DC.
First, thanks to Tim Night at slopeofhope.com for linking to this blog from his site.
On the surface it would appear to me that you are in the right in this case. Although I have no legal degree and can only express my opinion.
That said, I recall a case in Omaha, Nebraska back around 1980 where a young entrepreneur created teeshirts with a satirical logo from Mutual of Omaha and called it Mutant of Omaha. Mutual of Omaha sued and lost in a lower court. So they took it to the Nebraska State Supreme Court and finally won. They won mostly because they had the resources to keep filing appeals and bankrupt a young teeshirt seller. I still think he was in the right had he been able to go to the U. S. Supreme Court but they were still able to force him out of business.
I also thought it was interesting that they copied GoDaddy on the letter. Obviously trying to go in through the back door and get them to do their dirty work.
Good Luck Mike!
Keep tickin off GS and see what happens. You are causing a divide and trying to give the little guys a voice. That will fuel their fire even more to stamp out the little man.
If you think that is bad...wait until all this mess clears and they punish us even more! Now they have a reason to commit even MORE fraud against the people. Thanks.
Don't you people get it? We are not FREE. We are slaves to the rich and corrupt Elite Class. They are laughing in our faces every single day.
Let's just leave them alone, hand them our wallets, ask them to give us back how much they think WE should have, and try to live in peace without calling them out again so they will leave us common folks alone.
The compliant only aledges that you are using the trademark (the name in the square), not that the use of your domain name violates anything. If you are using the trademark, stop doing it and send them a letter. Case closed.
The complaint from GS only says that your blog is using their trademark, not that your domain name is a violation of the trademark. If you have their trademark posted, remove it and send them a letter. Case closed. You have the right to use their name in your web site. Let them try to sue you for it. And if Godaddy attempts to shut you down, they are violating thier agreement with ICANN.
I'm currently running a deep scan of your site and capturing it's content. If you go offline, this content will be available elsewhere.
(I can reimport into a separate wordpress)
Suck on that, Goldman Sachs thieves and haters of American free speech!
Keep up your great work!
Cool work, but is it foolish?
I mean you're paying your expenses, and through congress, paying their legal bills.
It's like blowing yourself up to win the war.
I got into a tussle with another ....man and had one of their snipers patrolling my place of business. It took quite a bit of work to force them to lay off. So be careful Mike, these people play for keeps.
Good Luck!
You do Good Job !! Please fight them, fight them for the rest of us.
The idiot lawyers at Goldman Sachs just gave this site the best advertising you'll ever get.
Squeeze it for every drop of promotion it's worth... Think "Sex Pistols" etc.
I think you should make sure that you own goldmansachs666 and reroute it to goddamnedsachs666.
Positive thought for the day: This is excellent proof that bloggers are smarter than companies that are out-dated and corrupt. Rally on!
goldmantay-sachs.com would be appropriate
I think it may be the "666" that is causing the problem as im sure that monument to humanity and only democracy in the middle east and its people have had that particular sequence of numbers covered for centuries!
Like George Carlin and now Bill Maure have said...string up a few of these guys and you will see results.
The only way these guys will understand we are sick of their corruption is when a few of them are found floating in the river.
That is the ONLY thing they value, their own life.
This is all about the First Amendment. Let's not follow the gov't down the path of censorship. After all, censorship is becoming America's favorite past-time. The US gov't (and their corporate friends), already place protesters in fenced-in cages, ban books like "America Deceived" from Wikipedia, Amazon and Facebook, and shut down Ron Paul. Free Speech forever.
Last link (before Google Books caves to pressure and drops the title):
America Deceived (book)
I am surprised people have not begun to take matters into their own hands as the feared "lone wolf" attackers.
It would not take too many one shot one kill examples to get someones attention and once these criminals are forced to live inside a wall of security, they are effectively in jail.
The gentile is loving and these parasites take advantage of that. The gentile is also everywhere and when they tire of the tyrants they tend to clean house as it were. History repeats itself over and over.
Great work - stay strong Mike!
Found you through The Telegraph - you're the 4th most read article today... shows that "normal folk" are interested in this stuff....
I honestly think the power is transferring.... people just won't put up with the nonsense anymore! And more and more folk are waking up to the fact that it may not be a "conspiracy theory" that certain corporate interests have much more power over policy (US and UK) than we'd like to imagine!
GOOD WORK!! we in holland think the SAME!!
There is already a precedence set. Eric Pepin and the Higher Balance Institute against Signs of the Times, (http://www.sott.net/). To say the least, Sott came out victorious. Information here in the forum (http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1360.0), with all good info on how to fight this. Just get all your ducks in a row. It's freedom of speech.
Keep up the good work of exposing the real criminals.
I have already posted this on Twitter and would hope everyone does. Twitter is the fastest way to get this out.
Spread the Truth - The World will be better for it !!!
Goldman Sucks
Best of luck Mike!
Have a look at how Sir Alex Ferguson's
son got his got a job a GS. St Pauls, london... both offices
Goldman sachs, lehman, rubin, greenspan,madoff, bernanke, etc.All unethical and driven by avarice.
Well worth a read, it’s long but very interesting and revealing.
From,the Far EAST.
Screw them push ahead, I'll get you mirror servers in friendly jurisdictions, no charge.
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
Just tell them that you are indigent,...then they should leave you alone. Remind them that even if you did take down your website, there would be HUNDREDS maybe even THOUSANDS more like it as the idea of EXPOSING GREED is catching on. Here is my contribution to that cause;
So sue me. I aint got no money either, but I got a GREAT BIG mouth and aint nothin in the world gonna stop it!
Good luck tryin, ya'all.
great work! very refreshing to read.
has anyone ever won a lawsuit against goldman sachs? it would be interesting to see if they have ever settled and admitted fault for something.
when is the site on citigroup up. I am waiting to be a voluteer for the same. I am so glad to come accross your site. They all need to be exposed the so called money managers opps (money damagers)
i would like to know if it was goldman sachs who screamed for the initial 700 billion from paulsen.
Are they behind every crash since the 20's. Rolling Stone article!! a must read
If there were justice in the U.S., investing in orange jump suits would be a good bet.
We must have real fucking idiots running our government. Who gives a save-your-ass loan for a mere 23% "annualized" return. WTF does annualized mean in this case - if we risk billions for you each day with the risk of losing it all we get 23% if you survive and you and your employees get millions for perpetuity. What dumb ass would fund that investment?
Great work very much appreciated here in Europe as well because the Eu is a copy of US financial system. ECB is founded as the Fed so Europe is the same mess.Goldman is in a London anyway with direct links to C B of England and there printing.
Talk about the Fractional Reserve Banking, who started it and why and how it decides today life and death of a many.
Many people criticize France for WW2, but make no mistake, the French don't f**k around when corruption and greed took over. Believe me, they''d have guillatuines outside of GS headquarters on Wall Street. Heads would be rolling a long time ago!
Love to see this discussion! It’s great to see you all working through the issues and also, it’s great to see recommendations for testing. In the end, it’s what your actual users do and prefer that should be your biggest driver in making these decisions.
Great article and discussion!
money and profit
These people make me sick. After everything Goldman has done to our economy to ruin the United States. How horrible these people are. Surely they know that this behavior is unethical and wrong. How ironic that we taxpayers are probably paying for their stinking lawyer too. Remember this - the wrong always fail. Even Hitler appeared to win for a while just as Goldman and the banks are doing now, but civilization cannot and will not sustain this immoral behavior. It never can last for them. The Good People of America will ultimately not stand for this. Perhaps our Tea Party candidates are the start of fixing this problem since Obama can't handle it.
The wall streeters think gs is great including buffet.just goes to show how evil the big banks are .the small business party and the tea party together could do a lot of good against this huge waste of undeserving tax dollars.small bus should organize nationwide and go on strike periodically and show the whole nation who is really needed to keep our nation running.imagine a living room full of sewage and no plumber etc.
Keep up the good work. :-)
This blog is very informative... I found good points to read.. This is really very fantastic site. Thanks for sharing with us.
No Doubt Goldman Sachs may have to actually buy this blog to do away with the pest at it's door. www.StockPrices.net
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