Will Dems allow Goldman to manipulate a cap-and-trade market?
Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street leviathan that is heavily invested in the cap-and-trade carbon market scam, has admitted it has developed and used software that can manipulate such financial markets.
The revelation came during proceedings in a legal case with enough plot twists to make even John Grisham proud; it was made, not by Goldman, but by an assistant U.S. Attorney.
Goldman wouldn't manipulate markets, would they?
But what are we to make of Facciponti's comment that "there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways."
Which leads the inquiring mind to ask, How does Goldman know that its program has that capability?
Goldman, being the good corporate citizens they are, would never have used it that way.
Or would they?
Read the full story.
Cap and trade was created solely for GS.....manipulate it? That's like asking if the pope is still going to mass.
Imagine how great their earnings are going to be after *this* little farce.
Would really love to know when it ends....
We are rapidly approaching the theater of the absurd.
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