It seems like where ever you look there is another Goldman Sachs executive/employee in the mix. From The World Bank to Wachovia, From JP Morgan to the Federal Reserve, from The U.S. Treasury to the Chief of Staff of the past and present administrations. Democrat or Republican - it matters not. In fact, they work together on matters that benefit themselves but work against each other when it comes time to "serve" the people. Bail out their buddies they vote YEA, bail out the people and they debate forever.
The article below which includes the video conversation between The Young Turks and Matt Taibbi. A seventeen minute video worth listening to. The rest of the post is informative to say the least and names the names of the Goldman fraternity where they are or where they were but as I said above, Goldman people seem to permeate the political and financial sectors.
Note that the same people seem to keep resurfacing administration to administration, corporate CEO to corporate CEO. There is a fraternity, a Round Table where only King Arthur's Knights (King Goldman Sachs) have a seat. But unlike KIng Arthur, King Goldman Sachs Round Table is laced with secrecy. Who are all the players? What are their roles? How much do they control us? Questions inquiring citizens should be asking.
Enjoy the read.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Read the Full here
Matt Taibbi: How Goldman Sachs Has Been Robbing Us Blind

The article below which includes the video conversation between The Young Turks and Matt Taibbi. A seventeen minute video worth listening to. The rest of the post is informative to say the least and names the names of the Goldman fraternity where they are or where they were but as I said above, Goldman people seem to permeate the political and financial sectors.
Note that the same people seem to keep resurfacing administration to administration, corporate CEO to corporate CEO. There is a fraternity, a Round Table where only King Arthur's Knights (King Goldman Sachs) have a seat. But unlike KIng Arthur, King Goldman Sachs Round Table is laced with secrecy. Who are all the players? What are their roles? How much do they control us? Questions inquiring citizens should be asking.
Enjoy the read.
Monday, August 24, 2009
How Goldman Sachs Has Been Robbing Us Blind
The history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled-dry American empire, reads like a Who's Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.
Read the Full here
Matt Taibbi: How Goldman Sachs Has Been Robbing Us Blind

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