Editor's Note: I published the piece below on my Behind Enemy Lines financial blog earlier today. But I have received so many emails, that I thought it also belongs here on the Goldman Sachs blog. You see, the trouble we are in today, and the trouble that we can no longer dig out way out of, has been . . . for the most part created by one Evil Empire and their Evil Offspring that have infected banks and financial institutions throughout the world. But none as evil, coniving and detrimental to the world as King Henry.
Sadly, we have a President that is owned by Goldman Sachs. That's not to say Bush 1 and Bush 2 were not also owned by Goldman Sachs. But Obama promised CHANGE. Unfortunately, this inexperienced and thoroughly arrogant President has decided to surround himself with Banksters and line his own pockets with millions from book deals prior to taking office.
So below is what I posted this morning on my financial blog . . . Mike's Financial Blog
The ObamaRamaLamas continue. While Goldman Sachs was slithering away with more than $12 billion out the back door, the ObamaRamaLama buffoons were busy stoking the flames about $165 million in AIG bonuses. We saw demonstrations throughout the country, as well as in Europe. All of this over $165 million while Goldman Sachs slithered out with 72 times that amount.
Wake Up America . . . Obama promised CHANGE and he is doing just that. He's changing the very fabric of America . . . and it will be dark, ugly and violent.
Health Care - Just Another Smoke Screen - Instead of addressing the financial crisis from the roots, Obama and his team of merry banditos are once again throwing up a smoke screen. Do you really think the town meetings and all of the demonstrations are spontaneous? Do you really think the outrage over the pittance of AIG bonuses was spontaneous? Not a chance. If either of them were, than why are we not seeing the same outrage over the billions in bonuses being paid out or the $100 million bonus being paid to just one man that was most responsible for the oil bubble and world oil crisis last year. Crooks paying off crooks. That's what Congress and the Regulators are all about?
Let's take this from the very basic level. We are told that we need about a trillion dollars to make health care happen. What are we arguing about?
We gave Hank Paulson $700 billion based on a one page document and his "word" that the world was going to end. And what did he do with the $700 billion? First he put a 35 year old nobody in charge of it . . . because this nobody was a Goldman Sachs lieutenant. Then King Henry leveraged it up to almost $2 trillion with the help of Bernanke, Geithner, Bair, Dodd, Frank and others. And where is this money going? Into the deep pockets of King Henry's Bankster Buddies . . . Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and the lesser princes like Fifth Third Bank, Suntrust, etc. Not to mention a myriad of buddies and blackmailers like insurance companies, auto companies and the likes..
If we had half the money that King Henry scammed from the American public, we could pay for health care. Unfortunately, paying for health care is one thing. Having enough doctors and nurses to provide the care, is another story. And we don't have anywhere near enough doctors and nurses. That's the problem in Canada.
But back to reality. King Henry himself made almost a billion dollars while he orchestrated the world's biggest financial crisis. And he's not alone. There are several thousand people that were unjustly rewarded at the expense of Americans and the world. If we only had the balls to go after these crooks and claw back the money they stole, we could pay for health care and still have enough left to cure cancer, autism, world hunger and a few other problems facing humanity.
But instead, we will allow men like King Henry, Lord Blankfein, Carney Frank, Desperado Dodd and our Pompous President continue to rape America. CHANGE is what Obama promised. And CHANGE is what he is giving you. He will turn this country upside down and leave it in chaos.
Health Care is a smoke screen. If he really wanted it, he could pay for it by going after the thieves. And he can start with King Henry and his band of evil thugs.
GoldmanSachs666 Message Board
According to the Collins English Dictionary 10th Edition fraud can be defined as: "deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage".[1] In the broadest sense, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud, but there have also been fraudulent "discoveries", e.g. in science, to gain prestige rather than immediate monetary gain
*As defined in Wikipedia
Saturday, August 8, 2009
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