These next two are good.
Editor’s Comments:
From doing God’s work to arming themselves – could this be the next Crusade? The buzz this week and probably for the next few weeks will be the story of Goldman employees arming themselves. Why is this necessary? If they fear for their safety they must also know that they are doing wrong. They all have a choice. Instead of arming themselves to protect their incomes why don’t they simply RESIGN…QUIT…GET ANOTHER JOB that is less criminal then the one they have.
Regardless of you stand on guns and gun control, the idea of having to arm oneself to work for a company whose criminal and immoral actions are the talk of the country just seems irresponsible and stupid. Getting hurt financially is much different then getting hurt physically. Someone is going to get hurt when a gang of thieves begin to arm themselves. Money is the root of all evil and evil rules at Goldman.
If the pensions and shareholders representing the "public" really cared, they would pull all business and divest their shares...the rest is just PR nonsense
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Goldman Takes Offensive on Pay
So far, Goldman has shown no signs of backing down to anger over the firm's pay and benefits, on track to hit a record high of about $717,000 per employee, consultant and temporary worker for 2009, nearly double last year's $364,000.
Goldman has bristled at previous shareholder proposals on pay. Directors opposed the 2008 say-on-pay proposal. "It would create a cloud, a constraint, a limitation on decisions that have been at the heart of what a board has done," Goldman Chairman and Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein said.
Matt Taibbi gives an in-depth presentation unmasking the Wall Street crony advisors that whisper in the President's ear daily, the political push-pull that ended up gifting Tim Geithner his current job, as well as an analysis of the brains behind it all- former Goldmanite, Robert Rubin.
Nomi Prins - former managing director of Goldman Sachs and head of the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London - is saying the same thing that financial bloggers have been saying: The giant banks are manipulating their books to make themselves look profitable.
GS worried that soon "consequences" will be kinetically re-united with "actions"? I would be too if I were them.
Is Wall Street the 2nd pentagon?
Why do all fingers always point to Goldman?
Keiser Report – with Matt Taibbi (starts 15 minutes into)
Maybe if he had a nike contract he'd be in office and would be putting some of his ideas into practice...............
Eliot Spitzer: Geithner, Bernanke “Complicit” in Financial Crisis and Should Go
In an extended interview, we speak with former New York governor Eliot Spitzer about the financial crisis and how it was handled by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Bernanke and Geithner “actually built and participated in creating the structure that now has collapsed,” Spitzer says and calls on them to be replaced. Spitzer also talks about the scandal that erupted last year that forced him to resign as governor. “I have no doubt that there were many people who were opposed to me, very powerful forces, who were happy to see me go,” Spitzer says. “Whether they participated, I’ll let others figure that out. I resigned because of what I did.”
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