How DEEP Does It GO? Your opportunity to ask Goldman Sachs
Now is the time you can raise your voice along with many others and ask Goldman Sachs to answer your questions. Many have asked me how can they get involved or how they can help fight for our survival against the company - by self admission - caused this economic crisis.
Here is a way. It is time to get proactive and SIEU has made it easy for everyone to do so.
Imagine millions of emails going directly to all the Board members. They will have to take notice even if they never read them. By virtue of the shear volume they will receive, they will hear us.
Hundreds protested in front of their offices and got national press attention. This can become an even louder and more visible protest. Truly a platform By The People, For The People..
I urge you - if you really want to make a difference - go to or click the link below and begin your own email campaign. Ask them anything you like or use the questions and format provided. You know the old saying, "actions speak louder then words" well, in this case, actions using our words will speak even louder.
Let me know by comment to this post if you did participate. I will be contacting SEIU and the author of the post to let him know we are on his side and fullly support their efforts. By the way, I have already sent my email to GS.
The Service Employment International Union (SEIU) is mounting an email campaign to the Chairman fo the Board and all Board members of Goldman Sachs. Here is the full story written by John Vandeventer, Ask Goldman Sachs: How Deep Boes It Go?
CLICK HERE to go to SEIU page for this post and call to arms using our words and voices.
Everyone Googles their name. It's good to know what the most popular website in the world thinks of you. I know exactly what comes up when I type my name in - my Facebook page, my Twitter feed, and some random pages about the other John VanDeventers of the world.
Starting today, here's what Lloyd Blankfein sees when he Googles his name:
We're trying to get Mr. Blankfein's attention because he's chairing a very important gathering - the Goldman Sachs Board of Directors meeting - and we want to put something on the agenda.
We already know that Goldman Sachs is still engaging in many of the same behaviors that crashed our economy. But here's what we don't know - and what Goldman isn't telling: how deep does it go?
Help us find out:
GS666 Editor's Note: click here or on the TAKE ACTION bar above to begin your email. It is all set for you to quickly compose and send your email directly to ALL the Board Members.
We know Goldman Sachs profits when companies they own or invest in close factories and lay off workers like they did when the Stella D'Oro factory closed in the Bronx; but we don't know how many other Stella D'Oros there are out there.
We know Goldman owns a mortgage company that has one of the worst records in the country when it comes to helping families facing foreclosure; but we don't know just how many families are at risk of losing their home to the Goldman-owned firm.
And we know Goldman Sachs has driven state and local governments deep into debt by making risky deals that ended up costing taxpayers millions; but we don't know exactly how many of those government contracts Goldman still holds.
So, our request for Lloyd Blankfein and the Goldman Sachs Board of Directors is simple: tell us more. Open your books and show us all the ways you're holding back economic growth. Click here to email Lloyd Blankfein and the Goldman Board of Directors:
We gave Goldman Sachs $63.6 billion in taxpayer-funded bailouts. That's 63.6 billion reasons for them to use their board meeting to answer our straightforward questions about how our money is being spent. Help us shed some light on Goldman's books - send your email to the board:
"Together We Can Make A Difference"...Larry Rubinoff

Wow. That's mature. Idiot.
This is the opinion piece that I promised on Goldman Sachs research and product sales. I want it to be clear that I have absolutely nothing against Goldman Sachs, and if I worked there I would want $19 billion of bonuses too, despite the fact that I just got bailed out by the taxpayer to the tune of over $50 billion and still have middle class taxpayer funded government subsidies intact. The fact of the matter is that I don't work for Goldman Sachs, and the reverence that they receive is illogical and borderline sickening, not to mention having nothing to do with the reality of the situation.
A company that nearly collapsed a year ago, receives mysteriously generous government assistance (AIG full payout during its near collapse as an insolvent company) with the help of highly ranked government officials (many of which are ex-Goldman employees) and then pays out record bonuses on top of so many tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer aid with taxpayers facing high unemployment and sparse credit is not necessarily a company that should be looked upon as a scion of Wall Street. There is no operational excellence here. The only reason such an aura exists is because main street and Wall Street clients have an amazingly short memory, as I will demonstrate in the paragraphs below. This goes for the big Wall Street banks in general, and Goldman in particular.
They have my signature!
This quote is so apropos:
"A certain type of person strives to become a master over all, and to extend his force, his will to power, and to subdue all that resists it. But he encounters the power of others, and comes to an arrangement, a union, with those that are like him: thus they work together to serve the will to power. And the process goes on." Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power
The Banks Must Be Restrained, The Financial System Must Be Reformed
These guys are literally above the time you get a fine for doing 5 miles over the speed limit think about that!
For the feds, some Wall Street firms are too big — to punish
Among the more than a dozen firms that have gotten these SEC get-out-of-jail cards since January 2007 are some of Wall Street's biggest, including Bank of America, Citigroup and American International Group.
SEC rules permit corporate lawbreakers to apply for what are known as Section 9(c) waivers from one of the agency's harshest penalties — effectively shuttering the violator's mutual fund operations — but regulators never rejected any of these firms' applications. While the firms were punished in other ways, they were spared from what some claimed would be "severe and irreparable hardships."
@They have my siganture
Mine too.
BTW, with all the bullshit news about the repaying of TARP, do they actually think they are fooling people (well, actually, they are!)?
If the Fed is loaning money to the banks at zero percent interest and 'investing' in T-bills at 3%, how is that different than just giving them money? Where is the bailout for the middle class?
@RobertM - You are so right. There is no difference especially when GS was given commercial bank status obviously for the purpose of going to the Fed window to borrow at zero percent. They are not a bank, have no retail banking locations and do not serve the public as all FDIC insured banks do.
The middle class has no bailout nor are they (we) being considered for any type of relief. As I see it, this is an effort to eliminate the middle class and they are doing a good job ot it.
Tarp funds were only a drop in the bucket at about $400 billion given out compared to the 3 trillion dollars it has been estimated has been spent on this "bailout".
Where are the jobs, the infrastructure work that was going to get America working again? The only infrastructure I see being built is at GS, JP, BofA, Citi and of course AIG.
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