Washington Post
No company has benefited more than Goldman Sachs,
Attention Bloomberg Readers, No, There Was Not One Trader Who Lost ...
By Courtney Comstock
California Debt Trumps Greece's in Bond Sales: Credit Markets
Greece's quandary drew attention to a currency swap organized by Goldman Sachs
Fed Releases Details on Bear Stearns, AIG Portfolios (Update2)
San Francisco Chronicle
... banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and
Goldman Sachs Isn't as Good as You Think
Motley Fool
The Reaction: How's Goldman Sachs going to exploit this?
By The Garlic
The Greedy Bastards Hall of Shame: Goldman-Sachs Thrives
By Mz.Many Names
Goldman Sachs generates huge profits in bonds | OSHedge Blog
By lifegauge
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, a U.S. government
regulatory agency, held hearings in Washington D.C. in late March
regarding position limits in the futures market.
People involved in the markets have known/suspected for years that
they have been manipulated by certain large entities, notably JP
Morgan and Goldman Sachs.
These hearings were supposed to be a non-event. However, despite
the media lock-down, the word is getting out.
The CFTC, like the SEC, is a conflicted agency. Some people,
notably Chairman Gary Gensler and Commissioner Bart Chilton, seem to
want to clean up the sleaze, fraud and corruption.
This is a beaut.......and you wonder why people are fed up.
The really sordid part of the Jefferson County story is how the banks funneled millions of dollars to buddies of the County Commissioner, who in turn bribed the local pols to sign off on the crappy swap deals. In the case of former Commissioner Larry Langford, a local greaseball named Bill Blount who had been paid millions in “consulting” fees by the banks was literally following Langford around with a charge card, picking up the tab for things like watches and Zegna suits. We get a rare look into this process in JeffCo, where the SEC published transcripts of taped conversations involving JP Morgan bankers talking about how much money it would take to grease guys like Blount. “Just tell us how much,” we hear former JP Morgan executive Charles LeCroy saying.
Goldman Sachs Has A Message For The World
Goldman Sachs: Don't Blame Us
When it comes to its role in the financial crisis, Goldman Sachs has a message for the world: Not guilty. Not one bit
The firm's 32,000 employees are seen as an army of Gordon Gekkos, greedy manipulators who pumped up the housing bubble, then bet opportunistically on its implosion as American International Group (AIG), its trading partner, buckled under massive debts. It is widely alleged—though unproven—that Goldman called on its close friends in government to arrange for an AIG bailout, effectively pocketing billions of taxpayer dollars. "Every game has a sucker," says William K. Black, a professor of law and economics at the University of Missouri at Kansas City who was deputy director of the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp., "and in this case, the sucker was not so much AIG as it was the U.S. government and taxpayer."
Heads Goldman wins, tails you lose, America.
Simon Johnson: Big Banks Are Blackmailing the Country
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