I especially like the quote below from Tasini's book (emphasis mine):
If you want to wring your hands about the bigger government deficit, don’t go pointing the finger at the president or Congress. Instead, you can thank Goldman Sachs, Angelo Mozilo, Robert Rubin and the rest of the smart boys who built a financial system that was a mix of a floating casino, Ponzi scheme and Fool’s Gold paradise—all patched together by lies, deceit and a healthy dose of massive public indoctrination of the wonders of the “free market”.You can read the complete book below:
What’s the connection?
The collapse of the financial system—thanks to the greed and
incompetence of the people running it—is the principle reason today for
a larger deficit. The collapse gave us:
• A weaker economy so money wasn’t coming into the Treasury as
fast (because millions of unemployed people don’t pay taxes).
• A weaker economy that called on us to aid our fellow citizens
with more aid such as unemployment insurance and food stamps.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The book can also be found here
Fraudclosure – Marcy Kaptur on Dylan Ratigan, Inside the Country’s Mortgage Mess
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