GoldmanSachs666 Message Board

According to the Collins English Dictionary 10th Edition fraud can be defined as: "deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage".[1] In the broadest sense, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud, but there have also been fraudulent "discoveries", e.g. in science, to gain prestige rather than immediate monetary gain
*As defined in Wikipedia

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goldman Sachs Is The System - The System Is Goldman Sachs

There is no power in this country more powerful the the dollar and he who controls the most dollars becomes all powerful.  We know the Federal Reserve has the most dollars and can create as many as they want therefore they have "the power".  It is often stated that "the most powerful person in our countrey is the Chairman of The Federal Reserve, more powerful even then the President of the United States.

Next in line would be, of course, Goldman Sachs.  The most profitable firm on Wall Street.  They to have a lot of money and can create and borrow dollars when needed.  How do they create money, you ask.  simple.  by being a Federally Chartered Bank - same as JP Morgan, Bank of America or that local commercial bank down the street, they are allowed to create (loan) up to ten times the amount they must keep in reserves.  In other words, if they have one dollar in reserves they can loan you ten dollars.  They just created ten dollars out of thin air.  As a Federally Chartered Bank, they can go to the Fed window and borrow money at or near zero percent interest, invest it or loan it or better yet, gamble with it and earn high rates of return.

But what has all this to do with them being or running the "system"?  A great deal.  First, with the amount of money they have at their disposal, they can influence or actually determine the outcome of various elections.  With this influence, they then control these candidates.  Case in point;  GS was one of Obama's largest campaign contributors.  Did anyone notice a change in Obama the candidate to Obama the President?  I did.

Now take into consideration the many GS folks that walk through that revolving door in the government and those in government walking through that same door into Goldman Sachs.  there is even very unofficial talk - so unofficial that it can be considered heresay at this point - that if Geithner is removed from his current position as Treasury Secretary, there is a job wailing for him at GS.  Perhaps even replacing Lloyd Blankfein (my thought, not even heresay).

A first summation.  Goldman Sachs makes a lot of money, can create money and can borrow money at will and they have friends in high places - very high places - like the White House, Congress and The Federal Reserve.

With all of this money power they also have the ability to make or break markets.  They have taken over the spot once held by Merrill Lynch in their ad campaigns, "when ____ talks, everyone listens.  To be sure, when GS talks everyone does listen.  Another case in point.  They are predicting an oil shortage in 2011.  What do they know that we don't.  Possibly they know how they are manipulating the oil markets and the price of oil.  Just a guess and a question.

Now comes the Supreme Court's recent ruling on campaign advertising.  A ruling that certainly will benefit the "money machine" Goldman Sachs.  Are Supreme Court Justices somehow influenced by them or their big brother the Fed?  I wonder about this as the Court's ruling just doesn't make sense to me.  A corporation is not a person, it is an entity.  Persons eat, breath and sleep, are made of flesh and have emotions and feelings.  None of these exist for a corporation - least of all the emotions and feelings part.  So how does the First Amendment - meant for people - fit in here.  What a stretch!  I want to believe that justice still exists in this country but I see too much evidence that it does not and where it does it is not dispensed equitably.

Men, by nature are conspirators and those with power are more likely to do so while somehow believing it is for the good of all.

So the question really remains, how much power and authority does Goldman Sachs really have?  It appears to me they have a great deal as everything our government did in the name of saving our economy worked best for GS - even better for them then their smaller brothers on Wall Street.  Bail out money, free money loans, gambling losses covered (AIG) - all looks like they are our economic system and our economic system is them.

The issue with Goldman Sachs is not their highly overpaid executives as much of the media is obsessd with, the real issue is how powerful and influential they are.  Are they the dictatorial leaders of our Plutocracy?  Do they influence or even dictate foreign as well as domestic policy?  they certainly have a big presence and economic commitment around the globe.  Such a large influence that they are too big to fail internationally.  If AIG's failure would have brought down the world's economy, what would a Goldman Sachs failure do?  Basically I don't believe either failure would have "destroyed" the world's economy but we were certainly led to believe so.  Again, for whose benefit were we told this?

Now Goldman Sachs is talking about giving up their Federal Bank Charter as well as becoming a private company, giving up their public status.  Is this an effort to wield their power without any public scrutiny at all?  Just think about it.  When Halliburton was taking a lot of hits from the media and the public, they simply gave up their American corporate citizenship and became a Dubai corporation - no longer open to domestic scrutiny or regulatory oversight.  Is GS planning a similar move  to shield their operations with much more limited regulatory oversight and no public scrutiny without having to give up their American citizenship?  Only time will tell but during that time, we, the people can take back control and our system from all those who threaten our Democracy.

Of course, this is just my opinion, I could be wrong. 

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Did Goldman Sachs' Blankfein commit perjury?

Maybe not to the exact letter of the law but certainly not the "whole truth". ZeroHedge does another outstanding job as does the WSJ on this one....
The implications of this discovery are huge as they essentially destroy all the arguments presented by the FRBNY about an inability to extract concession out of Goldman (which being the largest AIG CDO counterparty, was the critical negotiating factor). It also casts doubt on the veracity of any arguments presented in Congress by Goldman representatives discussing the potential to take a haircut on their AIG exposure. What this means in plain English is that, in the month before the Fed entered the scene, GOLDMAN SACHS ITSELF OFFERED TO TEAR DOWN THE CDS ON AIG'S CDO PORTFOLIO (we don't use caps lock lightly). This is basically a smoking gun on the moral hazard issue perpetrated by the FRBNY when it got involved, and indicates that through their involvement, Tim Geithner, Sarah Dahlgren or whoever, not only did not save US taxpayers' money, but in fact ended up costing money, when they funded the marginal difference between par (the make whole price given to all AIG counterparties after AIG was told to back off in its negotiations) and whatever discount would have been applicable to the contract tear down that had been proposed by Goldman a mere month earlier. This, more so than anything presented up to now, is the true scandal behind the New York Fed's involvement.


Last but not least, was it not Mr. Blankfein who just two weeks ago, before the FCIC committee, noted he had never gotten a request to take less than 100 cents on the dollar on AIG CDS? So what happens if it was he who offered less than 100 cents? Should that maybe have been at least mentioned in passing? Is that some equivalent of perjury, or will the semantics lawyers come out in force?
It looks like Goldman was willing to take a haircut on their CDS/CDO gambling spree but Geithner or someone at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Sarah Dahlgren?) wanted to burn the taxpayers by paying 100 cents on the dollar.

Read the whole article here and more comment from TickerGuy here

The New York Fed's Real Crimes

Editor's note: This is tangentially related to Goldman Sachs, of course, because they were paid out 100% on exposure to AIG. Only now are we beginning to see the true details of what happened in those days and who played pivotal roles in the act that put American taxpayers on the hook to save AIG. I remind dear reader that Goldman Sachs received $13 billion from this. - JDA

Indictments or it didn't happen, stop pretending to be hard on crime. The regulators are on it, what kind of sick joke is this? Oh, sorry, the SEC was totally in on it, I must have misheard the statement when I thought they said they would be preventing (not participating) in financial crime.

Email disclosures by AIG, responding to subpoenas from the House Oversight Committee, have revealed that the New York Federal Reserve requested that information about the AIG bailout be kept secret as if it were connected to national security.U.S. securities regulators originally treated the New York Federal Reserve’s bid to keep secret many of the details of the American International Group bailout like a request to protect matters of national security, according to emails obtained by Reuters.

The request to keep the details secret were made by the New York Federal Reserve — a regulator that helped orchestrate the bailout — and by the giant insurer itself, according to the emails.
I put together a lot of links on this issue that you can find at Jr Deputy Accountant. In case you still don't get it after reading that, this is the point where you are supposed to get completely outraged, America. Come on, turn off the TV and look at what they're doing to you.

In somewhat related news, I don't want anyone to miss this Bernanke classic (while his confirmation is still hot news) in video form. It includes such smash Bernanke hits as "fundamentals are strong" and "I don't believe house prices can fall". Don't miss "Speculation? Nah, what speculation? A few folks are buying condos in hot spots, it's cool."

4 more years!

Goldman Sachs Links and News - January 25, 2010

Goldman Sachs Capital PartnersImage via Wikipedia
CORRECTED: Goldman Sachs, in cross hairs, mulls options
ReutersGoldman, Morgan Stanley May Drop Bank Status, NYT Reports
Banktech (blog)
Mass sell-offs a possibility being mulled by Wall St giants
Daily Mail
AIG restricts use of corporate aircraft
Goldman Sachs tries to make virtue out of capping bankers pay at ...
By Daily Express
Goldman under investigation for its securities dealings - Yahoo! News
Ratigan: Goldman Sachs doing God's work?
By Blogtip Staff 
Volcker plan towers over Goldman riches - Jan. 21, 2010
NEW YORK (Fortune)
Timothy P. Carney: Beware the Goldman Sachs populist | Washington ... 
Citizen Goldman-Sachs, Psychopath
Huffington Post (blog)
Wall Street reform could stay in spotlight for months
The Province
Obama The Goldman Sachs Populist
Chicago Daily Observer
Sox First: Goldman Sachs calls in the sniffer dogs
Goldman Sachs Profits/No More Mega Banks
WDEF News 12
 SEPTA sues Goldman Sachs over bonuses | WHYY News and Information ...
By Peter Crimmins
ontd_political: Goldman Sachs to The Little People: "Let Them Eat ...

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