As long as the government guarantees that banks will be bailed out rather than broken up or dissolved, the American taxpayer is backstopping banks like Goldman Sachs in spite of the Dodd-Frank bill which makes a mild attempt to mitigate such actions. The guarantee acts like a bank subsidy without which the banks' debt rating could be lowered as stated in the following article:
Taxpayers are still subsidizing billionaire bankers
By Timothy P. Carney -
Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citigroup, and other giant U.S. banks have been profiting at your expense through an implicit taxpayer guarantee of their debt above and beyond the bailout funds they have already received, a recent report from credit agency Moody's shows.Last week, the ratings agency announced a review of whether these bailout assumptions still apply after passage of the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill. The Moody's review will be the truest test yet of President Obama's promise that the legislation -- derided by Republicans as a bailout bill -- can end the "Too Big To Fail" dynamic that has encouraged financial risk taking and given these banks an unfair advantage.
The implicit government guarantee these banks enjoy is a subsidy. The "five notches of uplift from government support assumptions" that Moody's gives to Bank of America translate into real profits for Bank of America. Without a presumed bailout, Bank of America's senior debt would be rated Baa3, just barely on the right side of the "Investment Grade"/"Speculative Grade" boundary. The presumed "government support" raises the bank's debt rating to A2, which is "very low credit risk." Even Wimpy from "Popeye" would be a "very low credit risk" if you could count on Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner to pay for his hamburger.
As a result, all the big banks pay lower interest rates than they would pay in a market environment. Put another way: Anyone lending money to big banks (by buying their bonds, for instance), does so on the assumption that if the bank cannot repay the loan, U.S. taxpayers will. It's hardly shocking that experts think our recently bailed-out and very politically connected banks are still too big to fail, but the Moody's report makes it official.
Bank of America booked $2.05 billion in net income in its most recent quarter. Goldman's net last quarter was $2.7 billion. Citigroup beat them both with $3 billion for the quarter. Part of that profit is earned on the back of taxpayers who bear the risk of default so that these giants can borrow more cheaply, and so that the Masters of the Universe walking their halls can earn million-dollar bonuses.
There has long been some "uplift" in the ratings for "systemically important" banks thanks to the assumption that the government would backstop their debts. Bailouts in 2008 and 2009 convinced the ratings agency to give the banks even bigger bailout bonuses, so to speak. After Dodd-Frank, Moody's is now reviewing whether its estimates of government support still hold. That is, Moody's is trying to figure out if the bill really ended -- or at least curbed -- bailouts.
"The U.S. government's intent under Dodd-Frank is very clear," Moody's Vice President Sean Jones said in a statement. "Going forward, it does not want to bail out even large, systemically important banking groups." But the statement expressed skepticism about this supposed anti-bailout resolve. The agency's review will try to get to the bottom of the matter.
Dodd-Frank's "resolution authority" is the crux. The bill gave the Treasury Department broad authority to unwind big banks when they fail. This authority is supposed to avoid two undesirable outcomes: (a) the bank is forced into a disorderly fire sale of its assets, disrupting the whole financial sector; or (b) the Fed steps in and saves the bank, just as it did in 2008.
Read the entire article here
How Goldman Sachs (Rothschild's) took over the world
Well they are the most powerful firm on Wallstreet but actually they are an outlet of the Rothschild's who have spread their power under different names into this century and the prior one. They create new entities to hide the web the have created of which the Bilderberger is one and Soros is another. The 30 mil. think tank I wrote about in an earlier post is the brain of the Obama administration and his closest advisers are all from the Rothshild boys from RUBIN, SUMMERS, VOLCKER and second tier next generation breed like Geithner. Emanuel and many more.
The Criminal Rothschilds
I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create and destroy money. The amount of money in existence varies only with the action of the banks in increasing or decreasing deposits and bank purchases. Every loan, overdraft or bank purchase creates a deposit, and every repayment or bank sale destroys a deposit. …. And they who control the credit of a nation, direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.
Reginald McKenna, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, addressing the shareholders as Chairman of the Midland Bank, at the Annual General Meeting in January 1924.
Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider
(interview with a Swiss banker done in Mosсow 30.05.2011)
Wonder how the tough predators at goldman..the best of the best ...would do here?...
Louis Theroux Visits Miami Mega-Jail
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