Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
-$3.88 (-3.96%)
Quote as of 4:00 PM EDT on 09/22/11
52 Week High $175.34
Shares of Goldman Sachs Group Has Fallen Below Previous 52-Week LowFinancial News Network Online
Goldman Sachs Group (NYSE:GS) traded today at a new 52-week low of $92.33. Approximately 8.8 million shares have changed hands today, as compared to an average 30-day volume of 8.8 million shares. Goldman Sachs Group has overhead space with shares ...
JPMorgan Chase Stock Hits New 52-Week Low (JPM)
By TheStreet Wire 09/21/11 - 03:53 PM EDT NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) hit a new 52-week low Wednesday as it is currently trading at $31.13, below its previous 52-week low of $31.21 with 37.2 million shares traded as of 3:30 pm ET. ...
Goldman Sachs May Report Third-Quarter Loss, Barclays Estimates
22 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. will probably report a third-quarter loss as market tumult prevents the bank from generating a profit for only the second time in 12 years as a public company, Barclays Capital analysts estimated. ...
Goldman's Tourre seeks appeal in SEC fraud caseReuters
By Grant McCool Sept 22 (Reuters) - Lawyers for the only Goldman Sachs (GS.N) employee charged over the Abacus subprime mortgage transaction have asked a judge for permission to appeal one of the legal claims US securities regulators brought against ...
Goldman's Tourre seeks appeal in SEC fraud case
Fabrice Tourre, Executive Director, Structured Products Group Trading for Goldman Sachs, listens before testifying at the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Investigations Subcommittee hearing on ''Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: ...
ex-Goldman Sachs Trader Charged with Insider Knowledge of ETF Trade ETF Trends
The Securities and Exchange Commission charged an ex-Goldman Sachs employee for abusing knowledge of confidential information on the bank's trading system on a retail exchange traded fund (ETF). Former Goldman trader, Spencer Mindlin, was charged with ...
UPDATE on Occupy Wall Street Demonstration we reported on previously:
"The largest Wall Street rally since the credit crunch" Thousands show up. The next two stories are must reads and must see videos.I, for one, am happy to finally see so many take to the streets in protest of the atrocities created by Wall Street. While it is something we all know about, our government and justice system seems to want to sweep it all under the rug. This event should have been major national headlines yet it was kept fairly quiet by our Too Big To Report The Truth major media.
Finally, thousands are saying, I'm Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore. Perhaps with the physical outcry's from everyday "ordinary citizens" (as one Senate member referred to us) those running for election may take notice. More importantly, as President Obama put it - one of the few right things he has said - " The elections are 14 months away and the American people can't wait that long". Yes, Mr. President, we cannot. We demand action now and demand justice be served with no regard to social or financial status. If you are a crook you are a crook. There are many, many more Madoff's out there still enjoying the good life.
Allison Kilkenny on September 21, 2011 - 9:54am ET
Thousands of activists descended on Wall Street this past weekend as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by the group Adbusters. While the turnout was considerably lower than the projected 20,000 protesters Adbusters originally hoped would come to the event, hundreds of individuals are still participating in the occupation—not of Wall Street, per se, but of nearby Zuccotti Park.
For full here
Formerly (and perhaps more aptly) named Liberty Park, the plaza has become home to the activists and the center point of an increasingly bitter standoff between protesters and police. In total, twelve individuals have been arrested, one having suffered a leg injury during the arrest. Activists accuse the police of being too aggressive, and videos have begun to appear online showing the behavior in question.
In the video posted below, officers are shown filming protesters, cuffing them and dragging them across the asphalt, while one young man screams that he can’t breathe and needs his inhaler. The onlookers shout at the police, saying “Shame” and calling them “cowards.”
The video below also appears in the original post in The Nation above. We are inserting it again as it is relevant to this post.
By Christine Dantz here for original postFor Liberty and Justice For All....riiiight!!! Please circulate these videos and these stories. Let everyone know there is a growing force of people out there willing to stand up and protest against the wrongs that have been done to us.
September 21, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- Wall Street has shown Americans how they feel about protests with a recent video on YouTube. The video shows unidentified occupants watching protests from the balconies of Wall Street in amusement while sipping champagne
"US Day of Rage"
Demonstrations began on September 17 to show U.S. citizens anger over a financial system that favors the rich over all other American citizens. Chanting, "We are 99 percent," thousands of protesters gathered near Zucotti Park, close to Wall Street and began their march. Around 5 pm, while attempting to enter the financial district at 55 Wall Street, they were met by curious onlookers from the balconies who were leisurely watching the protesters and doing the unthinkable--drinking champagne.
55 Wall Street
Who occupies 55 Wall Street? The sprawling, historic Manhattan building is home to the Ciprion Club Residences, a private club as well as residence to Wall Street's élite.
Gathered on the balconies of this home of the rich, men in suits and tuxedos as well as women in silk dresses and business suits, casually sipped on their glasses while smiling and taking pictures, seemingly oblivious to the fight of the 99 percent.
The club has a total of 106 residences (living quarters) and their website asserts, "The club will provide you with everything essential to live the good life."
For onlookers "the good life" is a far different cry then that of the remaining 99 percent.
Essential to most Americans is food, shelter, and a job, they don't have time to dress up and sip champagne while their friends and neighbors get arrested for speaking their minds on a public street.
Since we don't have a honest media we have to rely on outsiders...
The men who crashed the world
The first of a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse.
Meltdown Last Modified: 21 Sep 2011 09:26
In The Obama White House, A Crisis Of 'Confidence'
On Wall Street and President Obama
Street helped him as a candidate, but he needed to turn on his heel
once it was clear he was going to win the presidency and say, 'Thank you
guys, but I need people who will give Wall Street medicine and give
Wall Street very Rooseveltian medicine.' He didn't do that. Instead he
brought in Tim [Geithner] and Larry [Summers], who are not Wall Street
guys but who are affectionate and attentive toward Wall Street. That was
a key moment where the president lost his way."
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