“Our first two concerns are First Amendment and safety, and this was safety,” Bloomberg said. “People were courteous and understanding. The story of this morning is that there was no story.”Read the full story NYPD Removes Generators From Protest Site...click here
Sorry Mr. Mayor, there is a story!
The Mayor speaks of First Amendment rights but does he actually allow that to be? He speaks of preserving that right and safety for the protestors by removing the generators and gas cans. Perhaps a better way to secure both the safety and First Amendment rights would be to dispatch some of New York's finest firefighters and station them around each generator instead of massive numbers of police stationed around the park. Putting firefighters at the scene and leaving the generators would enhance the safety of the protestors. So is it really safety he is concerned with or aiding in the removal of their First Amendment rights?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
See also: Teachthefirstamendment.org
Too much incorrect use of police has been documented on video for which an attempt is being made to limit or even deny access to them on the inet. Freedom of Speach?
Here now a video report from Bloomberg titled, "Tensions Rise At Occupy Wall Street Protests"
Wrong headline. It got my attention as I wanted to see what "tensions rise" at OWS. But in reality, tensions are kept to a minimum except maybe for the police. I cannot say for sure as I have not been there. In any large gathering of people there will always be the few who look to disrupt or have their own agenda they wish to make public. But focusing on the few distorts the reality and purpose of the many.
Now, a more unbiased report from Karl Denninger of Market Ticker titled, "But The News Said They're All Marxists?"
Editor's Note: This link courtesy of a reader who left it on their comment.
From yesterday in New York, which people keep trying to tell me is full of Marxists and Communists, with the entire protest run by George Soros. And let's not forget the allegation that they kick out anyone who actually makes sense or isn't a Marxist.***Now I have to assume that the people doing the "reporting" on this event and the people attending in NYC who are members of the mainstream media are (1) capable of reading, and (2) actually went to OWS in NY.***The Media is LYING to you, and when you consider who pays their check isn't the reason obvious?
Read Karl's full article...click here
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