4:39PM EDT October 24. 2012 - NEW YORK (AP) — A former Goldman Sachs and Procter & Gamble board member once widely respected worldwide for his business smarts was sentenced Wednesday to 2 years in prison for feeding inside information about board dealings with a billionaire hedge fund owner who was his friend.While not a "big fish" fried (lol) still a move in the right direction to send a message to all those who think they are personally "too big to fry" while working for or serving on the board of those "too big too fail" banks.
Rajat Gupta, 63, of Westport, Conn., was sentenced by U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff, who also ordered him to pay a $5 million fine. The Harvard-educated businessman long respected on Wall Street was one of the biggest catches yet for the federal government in its five-year crackdown on insider trading that has so far resulted in 69 convictions.
If only our government would get the "guts" to get serious about the "big fish" we certainly could have one hell of a fish fry. Bring down those top executives, CEO's and Chairmen of the Boards and once and for all show the world that the US still stands for justice, where right is right and wrong is wrong and where the "wrong get punished".
Read the whole article from USA Today...click here
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