Central bankers are equally culpable and some of them should go to jail, according to Mr. Bloom. What is disappointing is the lacklustre response by the parliamentarians in the audience, only a sprinkling of applause while most of them were absent!
Banks are bankrupt. Banks are the "terrors of the world" and it is the little people that get "shafted." The stupidity of politicians is also a global phenomenon, says Mr. Bloom.
Godfrey Bloom of UKIP: Central Bankers Should be Arraigned as "War Criminals."
By Liberty Blitzkrieg - A Lightning War for Liberty
Coming off the heels of a fantastic performance in recent local elections, the UKIP under the leadership of Nigel Farage continues to make waves in both the UK and the Continent itself. In this case, I refer to a recent powerful performance at the European Parliament courtesy of Godfrey Bloom (UKIP), member of the European Parliament.
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