The sub-head of this page is: Goldman Sachs at the center of vast conspiracy to crash all the stock markets around the world.
Here is the opening paragraph of the site:
A logical analysis of Goldman's behavior from 2006-08 would indicate that is precisely what happened. Why would Goldman crash the stock market? Well, besides the billions to be made from the downside volatility, and back up (V-shape recovery) Goldman would eliminate most of their competition of investment banks (Lehman Bros, Bear Stearns, Merril Lynch) and consolidate the smaller non-merchant banks into tiny bite-size pieces to be digested later, with the help of the corrupted FDIC. Lastly, by crashing the market, and forcing a bailout, they would get sweeping new powers for the FED and Treasury under the guise of new regulation. The existing regulatory bodies, the SEC and CFTC would get zero, while the new massive powers to police capitalism, shut-down entire industries, and replace CEO's would go to none other than the FED. Didn't they start this crisis?
Go to the website: Click Here
I see eye to eye with you, This is a Very interesting material!
but as always, there is something that I do not understand yet, Why people is always at someone else's business?
That is so fucking annoying!
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