Goldman's Debt Goldmine
Wall Street Journal
By PETER EAVIS All banks benefit from the Federal Reserve's zero-interest-rate policy, but Goldman Sachs appears to be benefiting more than most. ...
Wall Street Journal
By PETER EAVIS All banks benefit from the Federal Reserve's zero-interest-rate policy, but Goldman Sachs appears to be benefiting more than most. ...
Commentary: Goldman Sachs saga shows unregulated market is a ...
So-called sophisticated investors. Purchase of favorable ratings on investments.Cayman Islands for escape from federal regulation. Bets on a housing collapse. Trolling for suckers. If anyone thinks our financial industry doesn't need ...
So-called sophisticated investors. Purchase of favorable ratings on investments.
Low Road to High Finance: McClatchy Expose Reveals How Goldman ...
By (Democracy Now!)
A five-month investigation by McClatchy Newspapers has revealed that Goldman Sachs made secret bets against the housing market while simultaneously selling off billions in soon-to-be worthless securities. In 2006 and 2007, ...
By (Democracy Now!)
A five-month investigation by McClatchy Newspapers has revealed that Goldman Sachs made secret bets against the housing market while simultaneously selling off billions in soon-to-be worthless securities. In 2006 and 2007, ...
CompliancEX: How Goldman Sachs secretly bet on the housing crash
By Jack Kelly
Greg Gordon, Charlotte Observer, Nov. 01, 2009 WASHINGTON In 2006 and 2007, Goldman Sachs Group peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly ...
By Jack Kelly
Greg Gordon, Charlotte Observer, Nov. 01, 2009 WASHINGTON In 2006 and 2007, Goldman Sachs Group peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly ...
Why did blue-chip Goldman Sachs take a walk on subprime's wild ...
By Steve Bartin
McClatchy reports:Goldman Sachs was one of the last Wall Street giants to enter the subprime lending world, but when it did, it quickly climbed into bed with profligate, highflying firms — companies such as New Century Financial Corp.
By Steve Bartin
McClatchy reports:Goldman Sachs was one of the last Wall Street giants to enter the subprime lending world, but when it did, it quickly climbed into bed with profligate, highflying firms — companies such as New Century Financial Corp.
A brief history of Goldman Sachs heads
Reuters Blogs (blog)
With Jon Corzine losing the governorship ofNew Jersey yesterday, it was yet another bad day for former heads of Goldman Sachs. It's worth running down the ...
Reuters Blogs (blog)
With Jon Corzine losing the governorship of
Buffett joins Goldman's Fannie tax credit bid: WSJ
B) has teamed with Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) in the investment bank's attempt to buy $3 billion of tax credits from taxpayer-owned mortgage firm Fannie Mae ...
B) has teamed with Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) in the investment bank's attempt to buy $3 billion of tax credits from taxpayer-owned mortgage firm Fannie Mae ...
By The Fly
An egregious loss by old Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS: 171.61 +0.54%) . Now the good folks from NJ can get back to lower taxes, more spending a more borrowing fromChina , instead of higher taxes, more spending and marginally less ...
By The Fly
An egregious loss by old Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS: 171.61 +0.54%) . Now the good folks from NJ can get back to lower taxes, more spending a more borrowing from
Goldman got cozy with loan star that crashed and burned
Kansas City Star
By GREG GORDON Goldman Sachs was one of thelast Wall Street giants to enter the subprime lending world, but when it did, it quickly climbed into bed with ...
By GREG GORDON Goldman Sachs was one of the
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs Party On | The LA Progressive
By Joseph Palermo
It's ironic that all we hear on FOX News and right-wing talk radio is how socialistic the Obama Administration is when in reality the way the administration has handled the Wall Street crisis is anything but socialistic.
By Joseph Palermo
It's ironic that all we hear on FOX News and right-wing talk radio is how socialistic the Obama Administration is when in reality the way the administration has handled the Wall Street crisis is anything but socialistic.
Goldman Sachs & AIG, What A Tangled Hedge They Weave - Home - The ...
By DailyBail
The Bailout News Central Depository. We're Keeping Tabs On The Heist. All the bailout news, opinions, interviews, analysis, comedy, songs and videos, in one location every day.
By DailyBail
The Bailout News Central Depository. We're Keeping Tabs On The Heist. All the bailout news, opinions, interviews, analysis, comedy, songs and videos, in one location every day.
Goldman Sachs: Our Pumpin' Dumpin' Repo-Man! | Rutabaga ...
By Rutabaga Ridgepole
You might think that a Wall Street giant like Goldman Sachs, which has been reporting profits of about $1 billion per month for the last six months, wouldn't waste the time and talent of its fantastically well-remunerated employees on a ...
By Rutabaga Ridgepole
You might think that a Wall Street giant like Goldman Sachs, which has been reporting profits of about $1 billion per month for the last six months, wouldn't waste the time and talent of its fantastically well-remunerated employees on a ...
Goldman Sachs exotic housing bet; was it illegal ? | zero hedge
By Cheeky Bastard
Much speculation was done over the past year about the nature of the hedges Goldman Sachs has done in the housing securities. While there was no certain proof of Goldman Sachs misleading its investors many believed, among them ZeroHedge ...
By Cheeky Bastard
Much speculation was done over the past year about the nature of the hedges Goldman Sachs has done in the housing securities. While there was no certain proof of Goldman Sachs misleading its investors many believed, among them ZeroHedge ...
Now I understand why they are worth all those billions--THEY are the second coming!
Goldman One-Ups Gordon Gekko, Says Jesus Embraced Greed
“The injunction of Jesus to love others as ourselves is an endorsement of self-interest,” Goldman’s Griffiths said Oct. 20, his voice echoing around the gold-mosaic walls of St. Paul’s Cathedral, whose 365-feet-high dome towers over the City, London’s financial district. “We have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieving greater prosperity and opportunity for all.”
via Profit `Not Satanic,’ Barclays Says, After Goldman Invokes Jesus –
Why is there no news regarding Goldman's CDS against CIT's failure?
Couple that with Treasury's 2.3 billion loss to CIT and you have AIG part II, where Goldman uses CIT as a pass thru for more cash.
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