A Christmas Message From America's Rich
December 22, 9:05 AM ETBy Matt Taibbi
Here are just a few quotes from Matt's article. Please click the link at the bottom to read Matt's entire article.
Home Depot co-founder Bernard Marcus, for instance, is not worried about OWS:
“Who gives a crap about some imbecile?” Marcus said. “Are you kidding me?”Then there’s Leon Cooperman, the former chief of Goldman Sachs’s money-management unit, who said he was urged to speak out by his fellow golfers. His message was a version of Wall Street’s increasingly popular If-you-people-want-a-job, then-you’ll-shut-the-fuck-up rhetorical line:
Cooperman, 68, said in an interview that he can’t walk through the dining room of St. Andrews Country Club in Boca Raton, Florida, without being thanked for speaking up. At least four people expressed their gratitude on Dec. 5 while he was eating an egg-white omelet, he said.
“You’ll get more out of me,” the billionaire said, “if you treat me with respect.”
Asked if he were willing to pay more taxes in a Nov. 30 interview with Bloomberg Television, Blackstone Group LP CEO Stephen Schwarzman spoke about lower-income U.S. families who pay no income tax.
“You have to have skin in the game,” said Schwarzman, 64. “I’m not saying how much people should do. But we should all be part of the system.”
Matt Taibbi writes,
There are obviously a great many things that one could say about this remarkable collection of quotes. One could even, if one wanted, simply savor them alone, without commentary, like lumps of fresh caviar, or raw oysters.
But out of Abelson’s collection of doleful woe-is-us complaints from the offended rich, the one that deserves the most attention is Schwarzman’s line about lower-income folks lacking “skin in the game.” This incredible statement gets right to the heart of why these people suck.
Well, Mr. Cooperman, most of us do not belong to Country Clubs. Why don't you drive just a few miles further north of your 1%'ers Club and talk to some "real" people. Hear their struggles and heartbreaks then tell me who needs to be given respect.
As to Home Depot's founder, Bernie Marcus, it is the 99% that have made you rich and that buy at Home Depot. But now perhaps, people ought to consider going to LOWES, At least they or their stockholders have not yet dissed us. I think you are the imbecile for making a statement like that.
Read Matt Taibbi's entire article...click here
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the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that it will hand out
$645,000,000,000 in three-year loans to European banks. Which the ECB
printed out of thin air, like Monopoly money! The interest rate will be one percent per year.
ECB will not be lending this money to the Government of Greece, even
though that government is running a budget deficit of just under 10% of
GDP – and the Greek GDP dropped by 5% this year. The Government of
Greece is now paying 37% per year on its ten-year bonds, when it can
borrow anything at all.
ECB will not be lending this money to the people of Spain, even though
official unemployment in Spain is now at 23%. Spain’s Economy Minister
said recently that “Spain faces its deepest recession in half a
century.” Tough luck; their Christmas tree has nothing under it.
when the European banks get this $645 billion, to whom will the banks
be lending? Anybody, or nobody. No strings attached. They can borrow
from the ECB at 1%, lend it back to the German Government at 2%, lock in
that profit, and take the next three years off.
I just have one question.
world continues to face the greatest economic crisis since the Great
Depression. Unemployment throughout Europe is over ten percent. Entire
national governments are on the verge of going broke. Why would anyone
think that THE THING THAT WE HAVE TO DO RIGHT NOW is to hand out $645
billion in more funny money to the banks? In Europe or anywhere else?
ECB is a public institution. How can it possibly justify yet another
bailout for selfish private interests, while the public is sent straight
to hell?
a Martian were to land in Paris today, and just read the headlines of
the newspapers today, he could reach only one conclusion. That there
has been a coup in Europe, the banks are now in charge, and they’re
grabbing everything that they can get their hands on.
Mark my words: at some point, people are just not going to take it anymore.
Alan Grayson
No One Is Above the Law
The American ideal of equal and impartial justice under law has repeatedly been undermined by attempts to concentrate power. Our political system has many advantages, but it also provides motive and opportunity for resourceful people to become so strong they can elude the legal constraints that bind others.
The most obvious example is the oil and railroad trusts at the end of the 19th century. A version of the same process is happening again today, but what has become concentrated is not a vital energy source or the nation’s transport arteries but rather something much more abstract – financial sector risk.
In early 2009, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner reportedly said to President Obama and senior members of the new administration, with regard to the financial system (as described by Ron Suskind on Page 202 of “Confidence Men”:
The confidence in the system is so fragile still. The trust is gone. One poor earnings report, a disclosure of a fraud, or a loss of faith in the dealings between one large bank and another — a withdrawal of funds or refusal to clear trades — and it could result in a run, just like Lehman.
Three years later, the megabanks are even bigger, as is the risk they concentrate (see my recent testimony to the financial institutions subcommittee of the Senate Banking Committee for details). Curiously, their precariousness, as much as their power, is shielding these behemoths from the enforcement of financial fraud laws.
Whenever someone or a group of people is above the law, equality before
the law is ended. This is how the megabanks, and the way they are
treated, threaten to undermine democracy.
This is an interesting comment. I would like to know the source.
What is really interesting is that the same transfer of wealth that has occurred here is also happening in Europe. It is interesting to note that as a result of what some of our banks ie. Goldman Sachs did affected almost the entire world. Europe for the most part is in the same shape we are in. Or I should say the European people. High unemployment, broke governments but wealthy banks and banksters - many of whom did business over here and contributed to the economic disaster.
Yes, the EU can print more money, loan it out to the banks who will simply do what the banks did here when they received their barrels full of play money - KEEP IT, invest it in some insecure but secure instruments like US Treasuries and loan it short term to their buddy banksters.
The question asked above - "Why" - is a good one. Why is this so similar and why is this happening.
Next question is - "Who"? Who really is behind all of this? The true owners of our Central Bank, The Federal Reserve - who probably own most of the other Central Banks including the ECB.
It seems like the Rothschilds - who I believe are one of the owners of our Federal Reserve, who have major banking interests in France and do control the Bank of England have a major hand in this.
Conspiracy theory? Maybe. But too much similarity goes far beyond coincidence.
Also, we must look deeply at the Bilderberg Group. The rich and powerful secret organization of wealthy and influential people from around the world. What is it that they truly discuss in their openly announced meetings which are always held behind closed doors?
I am sure they are not discussing what they are going to feast on for dinner.
To the author of the comment, Good Question, please send me the source of what you posted. I am very interested in doing more research on this.
Alan Grayson alangrayson@graysonforcongress.com
Special Report: The watchdogs that didn't bark
"I think it's difficult to find a fraud of this size on the U.S. court
system in U.S. history," said Raymond Brescia, a visiting professor at
Yale Law School who has written articles analyzing the role of courts in
the financial crisis. "I can't think of one where you have literally
tens of thousands of fraudulent documents filed in tens of thousands of
Spokesmen for the five largest servicers - Bank of America Corp.,
Wells Fargo & Co., JP Morgan Chase & Co, Citigroup Inc., and
Ally Financial Group - declined to comment about the possibility of
widespread fraud for this article.
"It seems to me that Washington is deathly
afraid of the banking industry," Tirelli said. "If you're talking about
filing false documents and filing false notarizations, do you really
think that the U.S. Attorney would find it too difficult to prosecute?"The
office of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan has routinely
brought charges involving forgery and filing false documents against
smaller targets.
Matt Taibbi, Financial Schemes And The US Congress
One has to wonder about the litany of the 1%ers. As Matt correctly points out, this is the guy who blew $5 million on a birthday party (it's your money, do with it what you want) with money he made skinning the public off an IPO that cost investors 3/4 of their money.
And yeah, skinned is the right word -- that's not a fleecing, it's a flensing.
There are those who hate anyone who has "made it" -- they don't care how they got it, they want it, and if you won't give it up they'll steal it. That sort of instinctual hatred of success is Satanic, and there's plenty of it out in the world.
But far-more often the issue isn't hating people who "made it" -- it's the utter revulsion and hatred of those who "made it" by stealing it, and used their money, power and influence to find new and creative ways to steal it without going to prison for doing so.
Swaps deals for Jefferson County, money laundering for Mexican Drug gangs, ripping off entire nations via hinkey deals in Greece and elsewhere in Europe -- the visceral reaction isn't about success at all. It's about theft.
These folks at the "top" of the game ought to be doing some serious reflection about now. Under any rational system of justice they'd all be in the graybar motel here and now, getting their hour in the prison yard and spending the other 23 in a nice little cage. No caviar, no raw oysters, and the "sauce", if they got any at all, would be their cellmate's and administered involuntarily.
The "hee haw" attitude from these people is dangerous to everyone, including most-especially them and their families. See, there's this premise among those goons that they're invincible. It's reasonably-well cultivated too, just like it is among the Mob. Nobody tries to hit the Mob, right?
Well, nobody who has something to lose does. And that dynamic is what the 0.1%ers rely on as well. The general premise continues to exist that murder and mayhem is punishable, and that punishment is a deterrent.
What happens when it's no longer a deterrent?
Hedge-Fund Titans Got Inside Political Tips
I’m surprised this Wall Street Journal story,
detailing how hedge funds manage to obtain profitable inside
information, hasn’t gotten more attention. The whole story seems pretty
explosive. I’d like to pull out a bit at the end, about how some
hedge-fund players learned that key Democratic moderates in the Senate
would jettison the public option in the health care bill in 2009:
Sun Dec 25, 2011 at 01:33 PM PST
Montanans Launch Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA Military Detention. Merry Christmas, US Senate
From the press release:
Moving quickly on Christmas Day after the US Senate voted 86 - 14 to pass the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 (NDAA) which allows for the indefinite military detention of American citizens without charge or trial, Montanans have announced the launch of recall campaigns against Senators Max Baucus and Jonathan Tester, who voted for the bill.
Montana is one of nine states with provisions that say that the right of recall extends to recalling members of its federal congressional delegation, pursuant to Montana Code 2-16-603, on the grounds of physical or mental lack of fitness, incompetence, violation of oath of office, official misconduct, or conviction of certain felony offenses.
Montana residents William Crain and Stewart Rhodes are spearheading the drive. Mr. Crain is an artist. Mr. Rhodes is an attorney, Yale Law School graduate, and the national president of the organization Oath Keepers, who are military and law enforcement officers, both former and active duty, who vow to uphold their Oath to the US Constitution and to disobey illegal orders which constitute attacks on their fellow citizens. Rhodes said:
"These politicians from both parties betrayed our trust, and violated the oath they took to defend the Constitution. It's not about the left or right, it's about our Bill of Rights. Without the Bill of Rights, there is no America. It is the Crown Jewel of our Constitution, and the high-water mark of Western Civilization."
Rhodes noted that:
"Two time Medal of Honor winner Marine General Smedley Butler once said "There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights." Time to fight. "
Ron Paul: The NDAA Codifies Obama’s Power Grab
Mentally ill flood ER as states cut services
(Reuters) - On a recent shift at a Chicago emergency department, Dr. William Sullivan treated a newly homeless patient who was threatening to kill himself.
"He had been homeless for about two weeks. He hadn't showered or eaten a lot. He asked if we had a meal tray," said Sullivan, a physician at the University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago and a past president of the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians.
Sullivan said the man kept repeating that he wanted to kill himself. "It seemed almost as if he was interested in being admitted."
Across the country, doctors like Sullivan are facing a spike in psychiatric emergencies - attempted suicide, severe depression, psychosis - as states slash mental health services and the country's worst economic crisis since the Great Depression takes its toll.
2-minute holiday video: O, Damn Ye Wall St. Gentlemen
Art is in the brilliant video from ovaria;
following are the independently verifiable facts that the “99%” are
embezzled by the “1%” for over a trillion of our dollars every year.
How does the 1% do this?
They purchased corporate media to cover their assets, that’s how
This article shows how the Federal Reserve System causes the opposite of their stated goals. This is, obviously, criminal fraud.
Upon your basic economics education, I invite you to embrace the power
of calling what the 1% does as CRIMES. When the 99% recognize the 1% as
CRIMINALS and demand arrests and prosecutions, we’ve won.
2-minute holiday video: O, Damn Ye Wall St. Gentlemen
I would love to get these basterds in grover norquists bathtub and strangle them. THESE ARE THE MONEYCHANGERS. Jesus beat them. We must imprison or assassinated them all. RESTORE AMERICA.
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