GoldmanSachs666 Message Board

According to the Collins English Dictionary 10th Edition fraud can be defined as: "deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage".[1] In the broadest sense, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud, but there have also been fraudulent "discoveries", e.g. in science, to gain prestige rather than immediate monetary gain
*As defined in Wikipedia

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Goldman Sachs' Political Buying Power

Here's a link to how much money Goldman Sachs spends on politicians. - Click Here

Goldman Sachs Links - April 18, 2009

Beginning with this post, we are going to start putting together the links to Goldman Sachs informatin on a daily basis. We will post the information here, and we will also do an email blast to anyone registered using the Email Updates sign up on the left hand side of this blog.

Goldman Sachs news, info, articles and stuff from

Conspiracy alleged by SemGroup co-founder – Tulsa World

Faber Report: Making Cents Out of the Banks – CNBC

Fodder for Goldman Sachs conspiracy theorists – Fierce Finance

JPMorgan, Goldman trading profits unlikely to last – Reuters

View from the Top - Duncan Niederauer, chief executive of NYSE ... – Financial Times

Nice Check If You Can Get It – Business Week

Don't set Goldman Sachs free, Mr Geithner – Financial Times

Bring In The Antitrust Division (On Banking) – REG Monitor

Review: How I Caused the Credit Crunch –

Banks get quiet assistance from FDIC debt program - SmartBrief

Goldman Sachs Executives Lead the Pack of "Most Wanted"

I just received a set of truly beautiful playing cards featuring the "Most Wanted" characters, thieves, crooks, villians and just plain greedy thieving bastards in the world. Here's a link to the card creator's website - Click Here

Goldman Sachs' current and former executives make up the largest percentage of cards . . . by far. Real, real far. And that just goes to show how deep the boys are in this mess. Here's a few of the cards:

Jim Cramer - Ace of Clubs - Great photo on the card with Cramer's big yap wide open spewing out more Ka Ka de Poop than anyone on the planet . . . times three.

Lloyd Blankfein - Nine of Diamonds - I love the photo they used. It is Lord Blanfein with a sly grin, as he wiggles his ear.

Hank Paulson - Jack of Hearts - Another great photo of the most evil one.

Neel Kashkari - Six of Hearts - He looks dark and evil, but he's standing in front of our flag, in an attempt to gain some form of credibility.

John Thain - Jack of Diamonds - Slick as ever, this guy walked of the stage with piles of money . . . laughing all the way to the bank.

Here's a link to this guy's website - Click Here

Goldman Sachs Executives - Who, Where, What, When and Why

I didn't think we would have a draft version ready to share so quickly, but we have the very first rough draft on Google Documents. Our Executive Hunt Team will be updating this document with additonal current and former executives . . . and we invite the public to update as well.

Google Documents -

Volunteers - If you are interested in direct access to udpate this document, you must provide either a resume or a paragraph about who you are. It must be verifiable information. If you would like to submit information anonymously, that is fine. Either way, email

Suggestions - I realize this is a very rough version. We are also going to want to explore what charities, foundations and boards these boys and girls are involved with. And if you have suggestions, please email them to us at

Mike Whitney Interview with Mike Morgan on Goldman Sachs

Editor's Note: Here are a few pieces from a recent interview with Mike Whitney:

MW: What is the nature of the relationship between G-Sax and the political establishment in Washington?

Morgan: If I answered that question I would need to increase the thickness of my Kevlar body suit.

MW: Why is Treasury a revolving door for investment bankers that are tied to Wall Street?

Morgan: Because the American public allows it. Benjamin Franklin said . . . Well done is better than well said. Too many Americans gripe and moan, but when it comes time to doing anything . . . they sit back on the couch with a bag of chips and the TV. We think it is cute to use the TV to amuse our toddlers. Do you think it is any different for 75 per cent of the American public?

MW: Are special interest groups dictating policy in the Obama White House?

Morgan: I can’t count that high. But if you just look at Wall Street and where the money came from, you will realize that Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more than a puppet of Wall Street.

MW: Will you fight Goldman in court?

Morgan: Yes. I’m prepared to fight them with several attorneys and law professors that are anxious to take this one on. I hope they do press the issue in court, but I kinda doubt it.

Read the full interview - Click Here

In Goldman Sachs We Trust - But Should We???

Editor's Note: Very powerful information here from the Capital Research Center by Fred Lucas. I provide just the opening summary, but recommend you visit this site. This was a piece that Mr. Lucas prepared as a Foundation Watch to tip foundations and other fiduciary money off to the workings of Goldman Sachs.

In Goldman Sachs We Trust:
How The Left’s Favorite Bank Influences Public Policy

Summary: In recent years the powerhouse bank Goldman Sachs has supplied Treasury secretaries to both Republican and Democratic administrations. A Goldman veteran serves as President Bush’s chief of staff, while one runs the New York Stock Exchange and another lives in the New Jersey governor’s mansion. Its politics skew left, and as the company’s competitors on Wall Street go bellyup, Goldman, a friend of Big Government, remains profitable and its influence grows.

Read the full article - Click Here

Goldman Sachs Exposed - Massive Conspiracy

Editor's Note: Here's a website one of our researchers found. It makes some very bold statements about Goldman Sachs, Hank Paulson, JP Morgan, Tim Geithner and references to Warren Buffet and more. Very interesting material.

The sub-head of this page is: Goldman Sachs at the center of vast conspiracy to crash all the stock markets around the world.

Here is the opening paragraph of the site:

A logical analysis of Goldman's behavior from 2006-08 would indicate that is precisely what happened. Why would Goldman crash the stock market? Well, besides the billions to be made from the downside volatility, and back up (V-shape recovery) Goldman would eliminate most of their competition of investment banks (Lehman Bros, Bear Stearns, Merril Lynch) and consolidate the smaller non-merchant banks into tiny bite-size pieces to be digested later, with the help of the corrupted FDIC. Lastly, by crashing the market, and forcing a bailout, they would get sweeping new powers for the FED and Treasury under the guise of new regulation. The existing regulatory bodies, the SEC and CFTC would get zero, while the new massive powers to police capitalism, shut-down entire industries, and replace CEO's would go to none other than the FED. Didn't they start this crisis?

Go to the website: Click Here - About this Site

This website has NOT been approved by Goldman Sachs, nor does this website have any affiliation with Goldman Sachs.

This website was designed to provide information about Goldman Sachs direct from the public, and NOT from Goldman Sachs's marketing and public relations departments. You may find the official Goldman Sachs website at

Born on March 26, 2009, this website is an open forum for facts and discussion about what part Goldman Sachs and their executives played in the current Global Economic Crisis.

If you're mad as hell . . . and you're not going to take it anymore . . . stop complaining and do something. Either volunteer some time or hire a part-time or full-time volunteer. It doesn't matter if that time is one hour a week or one day a week, just do something.

Ben Franklin said it best . . . "Well done is better than well said."

Ready to Help? - Go to the volunteer page - Click Here

If you want to hire a volunteer or two or three, call me - Mike Morgan at 772-260-5448.

Volunteers Needed


NOTICE - Plaease do NOT send ANY unsolicited emails with tips, articles or information. We receive thousdand and thousands of them each week. We don't need more information. We need VOLUNTEERS. So if you just want to sit back an play the email game, please send your emails somewhere else. We don't need information. There are piles of it. We need Volunteers, whether it is an hour a month or 10 hours a week or one day a year. Sending emails is exactly what Goldman Sachs wants you to do . . . sit on your butts, doing nothing. Eventually, it will be too late, and it may already be too late. Goldman Sachs controls the financial markets, oil markets, commodities and governments around the world. So sit back and eat bon-bons if you just don't care about your future, and the future of your kids, friends and family. But please do NOT send anymore emails, unless you are prepared to compile them or put them in a post or work on a volunteer team,

You Can Make A Difference - We have a tremendous group of volunteers but as this grows, we need more help. We need researchers, writers, blog posters, media contact people, speakers and more. Our goal is 30 new volunteers a day. If you're ready to help email the Volunteer Team at

If you can't volunteer, but you have the ability to hire someone part or full time to help with this website, please call me, Mike Morgan 772-260-5448. And if you know some wealthy folks that would be interested in hiring a volunteer or two to help with this site, please pass the info along.

Updates - Use the link on the left hand side to sign up for our Email Updates.

Executive Hunt Team: We have a great Team of volunteers researching where Goldman Sachs executives have gone and what they are doing. Our goal is to publish an online repository of this information for the media. For example, Goldman Sachs boys and girls have held and key positions at the Bank of Italy, Bank of England, Bank of Canada, Bank of Australia, New York Stock Exchange (Duncan Niederaur runs it today), as well as the U.S. and foreign governments as key officals and advisors.

Working Document - One of our volunteers has started an Excel spreadsheet which we will use as our working document for all members on this Team. If you want to add to the document, verify information or assist to make this document better, email and we will send you the file with instructions on how to update.

Daily Link Team - We need one or more people that will be responsible for gleaning 10-20 links of important articles from the Internet, and posting a list of links related to Goldman Sachs on this blog . . . once a day. Email us -

Director Wanted: I would like to turn the day to day operations of this project over to a Director that can run this full time. If you are interested, or if you want to hire someone as the Director, please email me I need to devote my time to starting the next project -

Posting Team: This is huge. We need a solid team to post articles daily on this blog. You will be responsible for finding a great article that is already on the Internet. Pull 1-2 paragraphs from it, create a title for our blog, include the link to the original and presto . . . you're posting. Please help . . .

Speakers Wanted: I really don't have time for all of the interviews, so several of you have suggested a online recordings. Let's take that a step further and do a roundtable discussion with 4-6 volunteers that can speak articulately about the issues. We will have a moderator asking questions, and we will address issues. I would like to do 6-10 one hour videos. If you are interested in being one of the speakers answering questions, please email me

TECHIES WANTED: We need a few more techies to enhance and manage the new blog we are building. It should be ready in a week, but we need 2-3 volunteers that are familiar with tools. We also have a volunteer in Europe working on a fully integrated website, but that project will be 45-60 days out because it will include all of the financial institutions we will be adding to our project. If you're Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take It Anymore, then do something. Ready to help -