GoldmanSachs666 Message Board

According to the Collins English Dictionary 10th Edition fraud can be defined as: "deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage".[1] In the broadest sense, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud, but there have also been fraudulent "discoveries", e.g. in science, to gain prestige rather than immediate monetary gain
*As defined in Wikipedia

Monday, April 13, 2009

Is Goldman Sachs Manipulating the Stock Market? - It Sure Looks Like It

There was a very interesting article on Zero Hedge the other day. In the data provided, I noticed that Goldman Sachs traded more for their Principal account than the next 14 firms COMBINED. And the next 14 were no slouches . . . Citi, JP Morgan UBS, Credit Suisse, Merrill, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, etc.

I mention this because it seems a bit coincidental that the markets have skyrocket during this very same period, and Goldman Sachs' stock price has jumped more than 70% to just about back to where our dear friend Warren Buffet bought in. Their stock prices has more than doubled the performace of any of the US markets!

It's also interesting that this 74% meteoric rise comes when Goldman Sachs has decided to sell stock to pay back the TARP dollars . . . even though they told us they didn't need the money. Obviously, Lord Blankfein, you needed the money because you don't have it to pay back . . . and you don't even have the billions you got from AIG.

And one final note. Wasn't it Lord Blankfein that told us the billions they got from AIG were not material? If so, why do they need to sell stock to pension funds and other fiduciary pockets of money in order to repay TARP?

I just don't get it. Doesn't any at the SEC consider who is trading and what they are trading? You've got one company, Goldman Sachs, trading for their own account in Program Trading, more than the next 14 largest firms combined.

The SEC is only concerned with the uptick rule these days, and how to design more ways for companies like Goldman Sachs to take advantage of the markets.

Here's a link to the article I referenced above -


vdavisson said...

Whoa, great catch. Keep posting! GS is the henchman of the Dem Party. Are they laundering money? Who knows what they are doing?

Shawn said...

Mike, you or the volunteers should make a Link-graph showing the relationships of all Goldman current and past executives working in government and their "major" accomplishments in the past and current financial crisis.

A picture speaks a thousands words.

For example, the big tree itself is Goldman. Then in year order moving up (latest years at the top) are the executives that branch out to government or FED, and each of these people's role in the financial crisis. Paulson would be drawn as handing out $700 B.

Frank Hope said...

Hey I'm jealous. How come Goldman Sachs isn't suing me? I've been writing about the Goldman Sachs gangstas longer than Mike Morgan. I even wrote this in an article titled "Welcome to the Wall St. jungle":

"The case for indicting the executive leadership of Goldman Sachs becomes clearer by the minute, but will Congress act? Here is the case as it is emerging in the past few months. Clearly the GS insiders were acting to defraud the American public with an elaborate shell game."

So what's your secret Mike? Is it just that you incorporated "goldmansachs" into your domain name? Anyway Mike I invite you to visit my website Just do a search on the site for Goldman Sachs. You'll find plenty of information that you can use here.

Anonymous said...

Goldman certainly manipulated the trading in various individual stocks last year. They wanted a close competitor, Lehman, to go out of business and they used whispers and rumors to help them go out.

In March, a former Goldman employee with then with the DOJ leaked an internal memo which caused CME to drop 140 points in one day. That employee is now CEO of Wachovia. Mission accomplished-and rewarded.

Senator Schumer gave them political cover.

fugeguy said...

From Jim Kunstler's latest:

"It will be interesting to see, for instance, if there is any uproar over the evolving story of Goldman Sachs's latest raid on the US Treasury, after booking billions in taxpayer-funded payouts funneled through AIG, based on double-hedged credit default swaps. "

more at:

Drax Industries. said...

SHORTMASTER 2.03, Ask about that software and you would be surprised. Market Manipulation at its best.

Rhea said...

Bravo! Keep up the good work. How could an All-American company like Goldman Sachs try to curb your freedom to speak?

RobertM said...

Hi Mike,
I sent you an email a few days ago but I never got a reply back. You should know as well as anyone it takes a little while for the word to spread about your site. Have a little patience.

Anonymous said...

Is this why the top largest contributors to Obama and McCain included Goldman Sachs?

I thought so.

Anonymous said...

It appears this investment company is running out of options. They're pressed to push boarder-line legal trade angles and will raise a fuss when light is directed toward their questionable actions. It seems to mimic the Israeli governments verbal responses about Gaza and other issues they prefer to keep under the radar. Sorta like a Pick-pocket that points at something to divert attention then rips off a wallet.

Anonymous said...

They are "winking" at Goldmans activities just like they "winked" at Madoffs "activities" because Goldman is too powerfull to prosecute,ie:the White House/Congress/Fed/worldwide central banks.

Anonymous said...

Madoff, Blankfein, etc... No wonder people of Jewish faith are hated so much when it comes to the matters of managing money. But I don't think anyone in the congress has big enough balls to question Goldman. How can you bite the hands that feed? But an infant does that inadvertently. I am waiting for a political infant. Btw, I think Obama is the biggest phony we will ever see, so don't bet your chips yet.

hANOVER fIST said...

Eliot Spitzer was removed to clear the way from all of the financial malfeasance we've witnessed.

Bill Jones said...

Shawn, You can generate your own relationship map from

DavidS said...

" It just goes to show, most people get mad, but that's about it."
No, it just means that many of us support what you are trying to achieve, but either do not have the time required to be effective or, like me, are not sufficiently financially literate to make any useful contribution. A committed band of a dozen or so will be more use than a disorganised, blogging, rabble. Please try to keep things in perspective - and avoid writing at 5 a.m., which may help with that.
Judging by other comments, it looks like an ego turf-war is starting. I suggest GS just sit back and wait for the bickering to divert everyone's attention - or stir the pot for good measure. Divide and conquer will work every time.
Good luck, but stay focused and don't take it out on those that are with you but can only offer support.

Anonymous said...

If they pass the stress test and give back TARP, then do they stop being a commercial bank and take back on the 95 trillion in derivatve risk. That has to have been their single most important goal: transfer 95 trillion in derivative risk to the Federal Reserve System. It just makes me sick

MoneyGranola said...

GS thinks they can intimidate bloggers with alaughably dishonest reading of trademark law. Don't for a moment believe they have any legal standing whatsoever, and don't be intimidated. I added to a link to you on my website--I want to help amplify this Streisand effect!

Anonymous said...

This could be the biggest insider trading scam in the history of the markets. The collusion between Treasury-President-Goldman should be investigated. It appears that gs-governmetn are coordinating news announcements. First they took the entire market lower and shook out longs now they take it up and then sell shares to the public! They report a profit 6 weeks after the sky was falling and everyone needed to be rescued. Obama was talking about a catastrophe, Citigroup needed an emergency 38% stake, and now the world is all fine and WFC has record profits-- announced early! while the imaginary "stress test" results await goldman's ok for release. what will they get short and send the front man president out to get pessimistic. then reverse again. this stuff seriously needs to be investigated. gs is taking down the entire economy to save themselves. lets see here: take government money, use it to pad the bottom line and report big profits, payback government money with a stock offering. what suckers are going to buy this stock? or better yet, who would bet against a company that runs the U.S. government? what do you call it when one company runs the government? not socialism or communism but something. it ain't a "market" economy anymore.

Spank That Donkey said...

MoneyGranola is spot on! Added a link to you too.

They wouldn't be squirming if you weren't nailing them!

Anonymous said...

deepcapture is chasing another angle to this story; the killing of bear sterns and lehman via massive naked short selling. goldman is too deeply entrenched into the financial establishment not to have been part of the kill team. i'll add that naked short selling is and was illegal, so if this is a good investigative vein it will lead straight to criminal charges. will these reach goldman? time will tell.

they've got a neat intro video:

Anonymous said...

The "special" relationship between GB/US/Israel exists with several nexuses including: military industrial complexes, central banking, petrol energy complex, media, government, and covert intelligence sharing. This is truly an alliance that has gotten out of control. Imperialism, colonialism, militarism are not the kind of exports that are sustainable. GS is the financial hub. Too big to fail, means too big to regulate, therefore too big to exist. Break them up like the baby bells. Trust busting to the rescue.

Anonymous said...

At some point the corruption becomes so great that citizens start building guillotines and beheading all the bankers/scam articles behind this.

Think it won't happen? Think citizens somehow can be pushed beyond the limits that every other society in human history has said "too far" ?

A few public beheadings might bring these crooks into line. But first we need to abolish the fed. And sentence Paulson to death for the largest bank heist in history. His crimes against the country are more than every other petty criminal ever arrested in the last 100 years.

Anonymous said...

Mike: I hope you run with Shawn's idea about a graph. The relationship of current and former GS employees to all branches of Government is mind-numbing. It would be very helpful to everyone and shine the spotlight 'brighter' by being on your site.

Anonymous said...

This site is catching a lot of buzz on several of the websites I frequent. The fact that Goldman is talking lawsuit should tell you that this guy is telling the truth and that's not a good thing from Goldman's perspective.

Whitney said...

I am not quite convinced that Goldman is either evil or needs to be destroyed. But I defend your right to analyze the firm, voice your concerns and uncover interesting observations with respect to their opaque operations. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Goldman Sachs is a dinosaur being piloted be the third string idiots who can't see that they'll do Paulson's prison time for him. Pretty Boy Lloyd's going to make a lot of new friends at Lewisburg. Now, just think how stupid his underlings must be.

Tom Dennen said...

Basic arguments for a legitimate American revolution.

Tom Dennen

There are many steps toward revolution - These are the basics

“Work is the basis for all well-being, while monopoly and cartels are obstacles for the beneficial processes.” – Adam Smith, ‘The Wealth of Nations’ – 1776 (The year Congress declared the United States of America independent.).

There are two peoples in America today: We the People, and the people running the illegitimate regime called the federal government. Illegitimate because it does not represent us, the People.

Those two peoples need to separate from one another.

The current illegitimate American government is carrying on its illegitimacy with the money from your work using your money to wage imperialistic, materially beneficial wars instead of directing it toward your well-being.

The material benefits of your work are going to the companies (the monopolies and cartels) that make the products and systems used for war – tanks, guns, planes, weak body armor, all through monopolistic no-bid contracts to cartels and so on – but not for your well-being.

Your money was not used to maintain the New Orleans levees. Your money was not used to clear out the California underbrush now burning and so devastating that state.

Your money has not been used to maintain your roads, schools, bridges, and medical schemes.

Your money is not being used for your well-being.

You can change that by holding your money back until it is spent on your well-being – After all is said and done, it is your money!

And you can legitimally, constitutionally, withhold it by not paying taxes that are not used for your benefit.

Ask your firm to pay for your work in cash that you can put directly toward your well-being.

Put the cash under the mattress, buy (and learn how to use) a gun to protect it – you still have that Constitutional right to bear arms thanks to the present Supreme Court.

But you may soon have to protect those rights and other rights once guaranteed by your Constitution.


The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was never properly ratified (ignore Wikipedia) and therefore there is no legal imperative or obligation to pay taxes to the federal government. See, Tax protester constitutional arguments

So basically, you do not legally have to pay taxes. The reason you think you do is because you believe your money has been spent on your well-being for all these years, looking after you and your interests and your family’s interests and your country’s state and regional interests.

You have been paying taxes because you believe that.

But your money is not going toward your benefit; it is going toward the benefit of the monopolies and the cartels of Big Business, Big Government, Big Armament and Big Pharma (which, as you have no doubt heard, is murdering you and your children for your money – The single biggest cause of death in America is the ‘Health Care’ system!)

It’s a sad state of affairs, but it makes the present sitting government illegitimate not only in terms of it not working in the interests of your well-being, but also of it saddling you with ‘odious debt’

What if all this global debt was illegal and we, the people, can prove it and get out of it profitably?

Tom Dennen, Infosight editor

If you cannot say, “no”, you are a slave.

Let’s start with the legalities of usury, which is compound interest, which Albert Einstein said was “the most powerful force in the universe."

Usury has been against the laws of every society from biblical times to the Roman Empire, after which the laws seem to have disappeared because they raise the legal concept of ‘Odious Debt’.

Odious debt is a powerful legal doctrine, which holds that debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the interest of the nation, or the people of that nation’s ruling regime, should not be enforceable, as the debt was not incurred by the nation or its people, but solely by the interests of the regime.

I cannot buy something in your name for my own use and make you pay for it.

Such debts are considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the individuals running the regime that incurred them and not debts of its peoples.

This concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion or confessions taken under torture.

The Argentina Baring Collapse, an ABC of Predatory Banking and how Odious Debt has recently robbed you of your pension, is relevant to this observation.

In 1824 Barings Bank signed a deal with Argentina’s first president, Bernardino Rivadavio, which ended after the ratification of debt as an economic policy in 1979 by a military dictatorship, in the financial collapse of one of South America’s richest countries after almost two hundred years of impoverishment and debt.

The debt was used to control the country’s finances, enrich the country’s bankers and empty the country- which means its people - of its wealth, much the same as that which is happening in the former, now ‘debt-ridden’ African colonies, Europe, England, America and most of the western world.

Debt is an avoidable curse.

Today, America’s sub prime borrowers, as well as ordinary, everyday, 20-year mortgage (death cage), borrowers across the planet, former tenants of the huge empty office and mall shop spaces are in the grip of odious debt.

Regardless of monetary theories, results can be taken as fact: Usurious indebtedness as a financial, political and economic policy needs the collusion of the leaders of those sectors of society which produces generations of politicians, technocrats, bureaucrats (and bankers) who favor banks and international institutions over the people – those individuals who are the producers of commodities - in their own countries, something we are now seeing worldwide.

After the Viet Nam war Argentina was somehow $53b in debt, half of which was owned by multinational corporate private enterprise, the other half by banks.

Who borrowed the money? The people?

No. The illegal Argentinean regime contracted the debt. Must the people (along with their grandchildren) pay back an odious debt not taken out knowingly by themselves?

No. But I think that today, we the people need a global representative (and a platform) to argue for the peoples of this stolen planet against any further odious debt and the abrogation of any such debt so far illegally incurred.

“If the public does not benefit, then there is no public debt.”

The doctrine was formalized in a 1927 treatise by Alexander Sack, a Russian emigré and legal theorist, based upon 19th Century precedents including Mexico's repudiation of debts incurred by Emperor Maximilian's regime, and the denial by the United States of Cuban liability for debts incurred by the Spanish colonial regime.

According to Sack: "When a despotic regime contracts a debt, not for the needs or in the interests of the state, but rather to strengthen itself, and to suppress a popular insurrection, etc, this debt is odious for the people of the entire state.

”This debt does not bind the people of the nation; it is a debt of the regime, a personal debt contracted by the rulers, and consequently it falls away with the demise of the regime.“

The reason why these odious debts cannot attach to the territory of the state - the people, you and I - is that they do not fulfill one of the conditions determining the lawfulness of State debts, namely that State debts must be incurred, and the proceeds used, for the needs and in the interests of the peoples of the State - you and I.

Odious debts, contracted and utilized for purposes, which, to the lenders' knowledge, are contrary to the needs and the interests of the peoples of the nation, are not binding on those peoples – when it succeeds in overthrowing the government that contracted them – unless the debt is within the limits of real advantages that these debts might have afforded if they were in the interests of the advancement of the people and not the banking elite.

The lenders have therefore committed a hostile act against the people, and they cannot afterwards expect a nation which has freed itself of a despotic regime to assume these odious debts, which are the personal debts of the rulers - but we must first free ourselves from this regime in order to do this.

The African Third World debt is, to me, completely odious.

Patricia Adams, executive director of Probe International (an environmental and public policy advocacy organization in Canada), and author of Odious Debts: Loose Lending, Corruption, and the Third World's Environmental Legacy (from which came much of the content herein), has stated that there is a solution:

“…by giving creditors an incentive to lend only for purposes that are transparent and of public benefit, future tyrants will lose their ability to finance their armies, and thus the war on terror and the cause of world peace will be better served.”

In other words, it should be illegal for anyone to sell me something in your name for my own use and expect you to pay for it.

On the other hand, If the repayment of interest on legitimate, non-odious debt was applied to a reduction of the original capital (i.e. non-usurious interest) by national, federal or international law or other regulatory lending system, the problem would at the very least be minimized, depending on the regularity and amount of capital recovered as part of interest payments.

Also, if ‘pooling’ or accumulation of non-working capital were limited and any excess of earnings or profit be forced into use as in corporate social consciousness programs, the processes involved in the alleviation of poverty could be far better served than they are now.

My own theory that the embedded ‘growth requirement’ of modern capitalist business arose from a postindustrial population expansion which eventually stopped.

An understanding of this ‘embedded growth’ can have some positive applications if the ‘embedded growth’ requirement is removed and sustainability is substituted.

That Capitalist driver, population expansion, is gone.

First World Populations are stabilizing. We are now in a situation where fair, not odious, financial balance must be sought.

The next level of revolution is from the individual states once protected under a law called the Posse Comitatus Act.

The Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act substantially limit the powers of the federal government to use the federal military for law enforcement – and a legitimate revolution with legitimate grievances against an illegitimate government is, of course, against that illegitimate government’s ‘law’.

In other words, if you revolt against a United States government that you consider illegitimate, that government cannot Constitutionally use its armies to put down your revolution.

It will probably try, but this Constitutional right of yours to protest is enshrined in the Posse Comitatus Act, which is enforced by the State Militias, and protects even revolt against an illegitimate federal government.

If an illegitimate federal government tries to put down a popular revolution or insurrection, the governor of your state has a local standing army in place (the State Militia) to protect you from that illegitimate government’s use of your own troops against you.

No longer.

Your Constitutional right to a local Posse Comitatus (State Militia) to fight an illegitimate federal government has been taken away from you.

It has come to that.

The next step should be a referendum calling for all states’ governors to ratify amendments to state Constitutions reinstating the Posse Comitatus Act state by state.

As Americans, We the People are now extremely vulnerable.

We need the basis of our well-being, the benefits of our work, returned to us.

Unless we take back the basis of our well-being, the work that we do and make sure that it once again serves us and not monopoly or cartels, we are slaves.

Here’s the key:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Another key is that we all have to act together.
And soon.

SPECTRE of Deflation said...

So GS had a nice profit on the backs of the American Taxpayer by way of the AIG backdoor slush fund. GS really made jack shit, but we will allow them to lie their arses off, if we can pump the market higher. We no longer have a plunge protection team. We have a protection team that should work for the mob, but why switch now when they are doing so well? When does the Ministry of Propaganda open for business in the District of Corruption? I know we have one already, but lets make it official.

Anonymous said...

anonymous says:

"what do you call it when one company runs the government? not socialism or communism but something. it ain't a "market" economy anymore."

It is called Fascism.

Anonymous said...

The SEC.

Give me a break. As if anybody that works for the Federal Government actually works in Federal Government.

It's just welfare for the white collar middle class folk. The SEC only prosecutes famous individuals like Martha Stewart, if you happen to be well connected to politicians or to the financial industry like Franklin Raines or Jim Cramer, you can do anything you goddamned please.

Legality is for the little folk.

Anonymous said...

Like Citi, Wells Fargo, the Goldman Sachs, it also inflates the earnings and cooking the books which most the money got from the insurance money paid by AIG for their gambling bet on CDS etc (derivatives). Nothing to cheer about yet. This the beginning of another round of lying, cheating and manipulating. Greedy is as life as usual.

Anonymous said...

Martin Armstrong is still in jail (since 2000). He has never been convicted, nor really even charged. Read this and you will see why. It's because Martin Armstrong knows too much about corruption in government and the part GoldmanSachs plays in it. Armstrong knows more about the conspiracy going on than any one in the world outside of the players (GoldmanSachs and the insiders in the Fed). The above link is rather long, but is a must read if you want to start to get to the bottom of this.

There are more Martin Armstrong links from the jailhouse

Tom S said...

Martin Armstrong is still in jail (since 2000). He has never been convicted, nor really even charged. Read this and you will see why. It's because Martin Armstrong knows too much about corruption in government and the part GoldmanSachs plays in it. Armstrong knows more about the conspiracy going on than any one in the world outside of the players (GoldmanSachs and the insiders in the Fed). The above link is rather long, but is a must read if you want to start to get to the bottom of this.

There are more Martin Armstrong links from the jailhouse

Anonymous said...

"GS is the henchman of the Dem Party" as Vdavisson claims???
HANK PAULSON.... _BUSH's (W's) TREASURY SECRETARY - was Goldman-Sachs CHAIRMAN for FIVE YEARS, immediately before becoming BUSHIES' Secretary of Treasury (!!)
As in "Hank Paulson, BUSH's TREASURY SECRETARY who PRESIDED OVER THE MELTDOWN of the entire US Stock Market in September 2008, and who immeiately came up with the "BAILOUTS" brainstorm, "BAIL-OUT _MY_ 530-MILLION-dollar Portfolio at G-S using HUNDERDS of BILLONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS" - with "NO oversight, NO audits, and NO ANSWERS, EVER!" infamy.

In point of Fact, the Goldman-Sachs "PUMP & SQUEEZE" Fraudsters
_OWN_ _BOTH_ political parties.

It is not accurate to say that G-S are the "henchmen" of the 'Democrat' Party.

What is far more accurate is to say that "The Democrats, (AND Republicans), are HENCHMEN of "THE MONEY PARTY," of which Goldman-Sachs are the biggest, most treacherous, most thieving, most successful players.
Michael Collins, "The Money Party" series:

Anonymous said...

vdavisson - We're all Americans, and by the way, it is Hank Paulson under King Georges who took Lehman out of the picture and gave your and my money to GS to use it for risky trading.
F.Y.I GS is driving the price of our 401k(Mutual Funds)until the S&P hits to about 1100 and then they'll short the hell out of our Mutual Funds by shorting the stocks. And while Americains are out of work, GS is already talking about huge bonuses.
We are being screwed big time and all you find to say is "GS is the henchman of the Dem Party" you are PATHETIC

Anonymous said...

Elder Bush & Resolution Trust, Little Bush & Tarp. Madoff & Blankfein. Does anyone still think we live in a free market democracy? Don't be silly. This is National Socialism. Next come the armbands

Anonymous said...

good article in the Rolling Stone mag about the previous and upcoming bubbles all manipulated by GS.
they're currently sitting pretty when carbon-credit trading is enacted by the gov. makes one feel pretty insignificant.

Anonymous said...

whats that movie thats coming out soon with that one guy asking this one woman where our money is and she is saying well i don't know well that kinda what it seems like so far but i don't trust stocks or anything like that because they always go down when people start to buy them its a hoax this whole country is a hoax

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the fact that your children will have to foot the bill. Yes there is theivery of sorts going on, but it's all really just an illusion.

The world is still going to have just as many resources with or without added paper.

Ultimately the consumer still has a ton of power as things are and it will remain that way.

Hypothetically what if everyone went to the barter system, planted their own gardens, hunted their own food, and did not work for money? Well, then every company would have to adapt and go into the ammunition or gun business. Every other company regardless of how many people owned stock would eventually run out of new money to fund it's operations. Yes, that includes banks. The fed could still print paper, but if no one used it and it went no where, and if all locally owned businesses only dealt in barter system, the banks would have no power, and anyone who gives them a large bonus in dollars would also have nothing.

In a less extreme example, lets just say society actually orginized an oil boycott. Everyone biked to work if possible, carpooled, took a vacation and stayed at home or did whatever they had to in order to avoid buying gas and oil. Even if a small amount participated, that would send a message to gas companies. They would be forced to reduce their margin, and price, they may even have to sell at a loss no new barrels of oil would be bought and the price of oil would drop dramatically. It doesn't matter how they try to prop it up, it wouldn't be long before priced plummeted. Prices only can be manipulated to the prices that consumers allow them to be.

In the future, people will use blogs, websites, social media, and video pages, as well as texting, telephone and any form of communication they have to in order to take a proactive way in shaping this world for the better by simple boycotting of foods (dieting,fasting buying Ramen and other cheaply priced food), of wars(sir, no sir) of oil, etc.

People will more proactively focus on buying the neccesities of life for the cheapest available price.

It needs to happen. How can people buy big screen TVs when other people of this world are starving. As long as we continue to do so, companies will use innovation towards creating better TVs rather than solving the worlds energy, food, water, etc. The more the US buys on credit and such, the more difficult it is for america to do anything other than buy the neccesities. That's actually a good thing as it signals businesses to focus on the neccessities of life, which is better for society. Once more of this planet is no longer focused on it's next meal, it can start building businesses that innovate and get more out of this planet for less. Stretch every drop of oil, every acre of land, and every drop of water to get the most out of it. Then everyone on this planet will eventually be able to be fed, and providing shelter, and then everyone can then collectively work towards building up technology and working towards the luxuries of life again.
YES, american's standard of living is arguably the best, so will naturally probably suffer the most in comparison. Ultimately it's this kind of wake up call that's needed though to get the rest of the world to bail out on treasuries causing hyperinflation, causing a focus on the neccessities of life.

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We're all Americans, and by the way, it is Hank Paulson under King Georges who took Lehman out of the picture and gave your and my money to GS to use it for risky trading.

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Basel III Announcement - A Quick Analysis
Indeed, it's about what the former legal limit was before Henry Paulson, as head of Goldman, got the SEC to lift it from the investment banks.

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Policymakers have orchestrated a huge dilemma. The
ongoing simultaneous global expansion of debt and marketable
instruments, along with the policy-induced reflation of global risk
markets, has created an unprecedented accumulation of market-related
risk. At the same time, a financial monstrosity has evolved that is in
the (what had been highly-profitable) business of writing market
insurance to protect against declining stock, Credit, sovereign debt,
currency and commodities prices. The business of peddling ETFs, listed
options, Credit default swaps (CDS), “swaps,” “swaptions,” and
countless varieties of over-the-counter derivatives to protect against
market risk has been booming. And the more authorities intervene to
ensure unending Credit expansion and the ongoing inflation of global
risk markets the greater the amount of market risk to hedge - and the
grander the profit bonanza available from trafficking in market

From the timing of increasingly vocal outcries
against “high-frequency trading,” one might get the idea that these
players sit back and become active only when they develop a hankering to
see the market get wacked. From my perspective, I assume these players
are among the most sophisticated, best informed and keenly
opportunistic traders in the marketplace. Throughout the policy-induced
rally that commenced in 2009, they likely garnered huge long-side
profits buying (“squeezing”) heavily shorted stocks ahead of an enormous
unwind of bearish hedges and bets (I don’t recall any protesting).
They will gravitate to wherever they can garner a trading advantage
(“front running”) ahead of the crowd. But mostly, I believe the
“high-frequency” contingent is immersed in a game of extracting trading
profits from this monstrous business of structuring, selling, hedging
and managing market (“flood”) insurance. Call it “front running,” savvy
or despicable market manipulation.

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